I have been playing Killzone 2 ever since it came out and it is my favorite online shooter but i never bought the DLC for it and I am thinking about buying the triple map pack but I want to know if people still play the maps?
I would like them to do something with the Pyramids and why they are aligned with the stars. They would probably have mummies and maybe even aliens because it was said that it was virtually impossible for the people of the time to build structures that massive.
I think that we should change the name of the factions cuz last gen sony fanboys were called cows cuz of all the milking but it seams to have changed with microsoft and all its accessories. what do you think?
I know that the PS eye will get some games for it when the wand comes out but so far all the games the PS eye has are Eye of judgement, Eyepet(coming soon), and some minigames on the PS store. We have not seen any real killer apps for the device yet but Natal doesn't look to have one either but I want to see the devs support the PS eye so it could at lest have some decent games to get me to pick it up because even the things that I saw them showing at TGS like the LBP pointer thing and RE5 aiming didnt wow me.
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