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nightamazon Blog


So I got through Demon's Souls and now, when it arrives, I'll be playing Dark Souls. I'm not even sure why I love the game after having my butt handed to me numerous times but I just can't wait to get my hands on the sequel. This is my busiest month with work too. Cranberry season so lots of tours for that and lots of big school groups wanting survival programs. This just means many sleepless or very little sleep nights.

Let's see...I played through Harmony of Despair...not bad. Would be much better with a full set of people rather than the two that I was playing with. I actually thought it was a little short too.

Hopefully I can be on here more..I miss the game stuff but my apparent facebook addiction isn't helping haha

what the

All things are different on here now...that's what I get for not being on here much.

HI to anyone that might still be out there.... :)

Can't wait..

I am eagerly awaiting my copy of Dragon Age 2 to arrive at my door before I put every minute of my free time into it just like I did the first one...

Hi again everyone...I meant to be on here more..again but I got a little side tracked and such. I've been feeling a lack of games in my life so I have to return to fill the hole that not playing has left :P

Happy New Year..

etc etc

I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I keep saying I plan to be back here more and I think I can actually stick to it for a change. I really miss playing a lot of games so I am getting drawn back :) It may take me a little longer to finish them because of work and all but I still get some game time in thankfully. I got a gaming PC so I can start getting back into that. I have Mass Effect going right now and maybe I'll actually get around to playing Fable at some point.

Let's see...It's been a year now since my grandmother passed and I actually feel ok now. I was struggling a bit before dealing with all that was different. Even had a lack of motivation for some things. Now I'm ready to get back into the swing of things.

Back again take 2

so I have been all kinds of crazy lately and I meant to get back on here and then just went to crazy again...sigh

Anyway..things are going well. The newer job has been keeping me busy and I'd hate to say it but I am a little behind on my games. I have been playing the new Castlevania. It feels a little like DMC but that's certainly fine. I became a little movie obsessed so I have been watching more than playing but I just picked up MGS4 again :)

Let's see...I should be finally getting back to college next year and I'll only have one year left to finish my degree. It's about stinking time.

Fingers crossed I'll be on here more again and back to games cause I know there are a bunch coming out I want to play. LBP2 I can't wait for among others

It's been awhile

Months since I've even been on here. Also that long since I really picked up a game for an extended period of time. Hopefully I can get back to it. Hope everyone had been well on here. I should be back up on the games soon. I have a lot to catch up on. Expect to see me more often again.

A first

I actually have a game prior to gamespot saying I can. i went to my first midnight release for Final Fantasy XIII. On'y been playing for 20 min and it looks quite impressive. I'll add more later :)

Been almost two months

Since my last blog post but I've had a lot going on.

My holiday's were busy with relatives but it had an off feeling of sorts this year. Very mellow for a change. Guess it was a sign of things to come. My grandmother passed away two days after the last of the visiting relatives left. It's been hard but I'm sure my grandmother would be kicking my butt around if all I was doing was being depressed about it. I started a new version of one of my past jobs. I am working a mobile classroom taking science education to the schools. It's lots of fun and quite challenging. I'm on "probation" at my refuge job since I stopped doing work for free...that's a long story I'm not going to go into. My hours are going to be cut back starting in more working all weekend every weekend for me anymore. That's a good thing since I really want to focus on school. I'm going to try to get into a program to complete my bachelors and masters in 3 years. I'll be glad when it's done. Time for me to move on to bigger things in the work/education world.

Games....too many coming out i want to play..White Knight Chronicles is next though...then Dante's Inferno

time for me to start closing things down here...another snake feeding day so I am waiting for them to finish up :P


Yes that is what sleep is. I will pay the price eventually since I am now fully losing track of time and space...well time atleast. I'm starting an additional job next week too. It's more of an expansion of one of the other jobs but now I am incharge or setting up stuff so it should be fun. I'll be running a mobile classroom to do science experiments so it should be fun and right up my alley.

Games...I have to get Assassins Creed 2 still and the Super Mario Wii. I thought I was done buying games this year...oh well. The few days I have off this holiday season I am going to be making the most of. I have to decide what game to ring in the new year with along with my traditional Jersey Death Sauce.

I am so not ready for the holiday season but it is only a few weeks away now. Maybe the snow we are supposed to get today will help me get into holiday mode.

Time for me to feed some snakes...

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone celebrating today has a good one!!

I am still stuck in my addiction...I apparently forgot about a few games that were coming out and have been playing Dragon Age Origins almost non-stop. Why must all these good games all come out at once?? Kinda makes me wish I were younger with more free time...but then I wouldn't have the money...hmm. I guess I'll just deal with the lack of sleep for a little while.

I am debating on the Black Friday shopping since I have to be at work by 10 so we'll see what happens..I may do the online stuff like I did last year...cyber monday I think it was.

Off to get ready for today's dinner