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Hi my name is Janice and I am a game addict..I last used 5 min ago at work...I last purchased last night.

Ok so I am now the owner of Rock Band for the PS3 per request of my sister and her two older kids. Their birhtdays are both next week and they all want to play. Since I had to keep up the tradition of me being the game supplier for them I got it. So later I'll be setting it up since they saw the box and I've been getting harassed at work via text messages about it.

I have one more game I plan on buying this year that comes out in Nov...after that i really gotta pay attention to my budget and hopefully my one job doesn't keep getting pushed back so that I can get some work in before the end of the year. but then i have been busy with the other two so thats a good thing.

I also finally started playing the new Kingdom Hearts game..I'm kinda liking it but the ever changing battle methods are getting tiring...I like the idea of the panels this time around but it is taking time to get used to and I haven't gotten to where I can do anything else with them yet or a store for that matter...I am guessing I am still in the intro since it's been close to 2 hours..that does include some breaks in the total time too..

Demon's Souls has gotten even better now that I have figured things out a little better...not many stupid deaths anymore thankfully.

One last thing...the benefits of taking a class over a short semester means I have my final next week and am done for the semester after that...woohoo

as I wait

So i am sitting here waiting for the mice to thaw..yeah gotta feed the snakes today..and I got tired of looking up stuff for work so I started messing around on here. I've been playing Demon's Souls when I get the chance..haven't even touched the new Kingdom Hearts game. Haven't really touched most of the games on my now playing list. I found NG Sigma 2 more annoying than Demon's Souls...imagine that.

Anyways....I've been reading the reviews for Demon's Souls and I have to laugh at the variety of reviews. It's a love it or hate it game apparently. I've been loving it...yes it is hard and yes you die and have to start over. When you die you lose the souls which are the game's currency. You do get to keep everything else you pick up. I actually picked a hunter to play the game through not using magic but arrows to take out pretty good on most things. Beat the first boss which was oddly easier than I thought it was going to be. After that I got to where I could level up which was a great thing. The online play is interesting and so are the messages people leave. It's funny that there are reviews about the hype around this game...i must have missed that. I'm the only one I know personally that knew about the game.

Oh's lots of fun despite the difficulty....and the mice are thawed so I have to get back to work.

I've become a mere bloodstain

Why is it that there seemed to be few and far between games I wanted to get for awhile and then all of a sudden there are a bunch I want that all come out at the same time. So I got my pre-order of Demon's Souls today...and yes I have become one of many bloodstains in the game. I rather enjoy the challenge of it and many of the reasons for my death in the game are from my own the wrong way..not watching my back. I can honestly say I have become an Atlus fan-girl. As much as I hate to use that term I really am a huge fan of what they bring here. Now if they would make a Persona or SMT game for the PS3 I would be one happy girl.

The only bad thing is I really don't have much time to play with work and school but I squeeze it in where I can.

I was bad today

Part of me still can't believe I did this but in a way it's a good thing I did. I just got one of the new iPhones. Having 3 jobs and half of the time I am on the phone with various people calling me I have been losing track of numbers and such. With the phone I shouldn't have the problem...that's how I rationalized the purchase. Part of me wishes I got one sooner but now I'll have to be careful with the outdoor job..they showed me how to swap the cards if I want to go back to my more rugged phone.

Gaming news...I got Katamari Forever...addicting. I also have Persona on the way for the PSP. When I'll get to playing that and finishing the others I'll never know since I am back to working 7 days a week with two classes.

Hope everyone is well..I kinda wish there weren't a bunch of games coming out soon I want to play them but know it probably won't fit in my schedule...such is life I suppose.

just testing this out

I was curious to see what happens when you connect gamespot to facebook. So this is more of a test as to see what happens.

That and to say that I was bad today and bought both Soul Calibur Broken Destiny and Batman Arkham Asylum which I will be playing a little later when my room cools down a bit.

Vacation: Day...well the rest of it

So yeah I kinda became a slacker with the updates. It's not my fault I got hooked on the show Heroes...honest...I ended up watching season 1 and 2 over the past week and started season 3 this week. I did go to the Delaware Water Gap for a Leave No Trace training session this past weekend which was lots of fun. I have a few games I need to get...glad I have a PSP that's for sure.. Other than that don't have much else to say at the moment...gonna get back so season 3 of Heroes and hopefully to be done before my semester starts. Hope you guys are all doing well..

Vacation: Day 2

So I did something insane and watched the entire special extended edition of The Lord of the Rings. 681 minutes of movie. I don't think I will be doing that again. That was pretty much my entire day. The weirdest thing about it was it made me more tired than I was. I apparently can't sit around for the whole day...I felt kinda crappy when I woke up this morning too. I'll put day 3 up tomorrow..a little more exciting.

Vacation: Day 1

Day one of my vacation..woohoo. I honestly have no idea what there is to do on a Sunday afternoon so I am just going to improvise.

I finally got around to playing Fat Princess...better than I was expecting but I am still trying to get the controls down and "play with yourself" is not all that easy unless you can control your group.

Now that it is getting warm in my room I'm going to move downstairs and tackle something that has been screaming my name for awhile now. I have this urge to watch the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. What better time to do it than during a vacation. Going to make for one insanely long day but I won't be sitting on my behind that much after today. There is at least one game I have to get next week so I'll be doing that as well.

Off to start the movies...still trying to figure out what I am doing tomorrow but it's all good :)


I haven't posted anything in a long time but I've been around. My work schedule has been insane haven't had a day off since 2 weeks off at the end of summer so it's all good. Haven't really been playing games much but I do have those 2 weeks and lots of catching up to do :P Any suggestions??

I'm another year older and honsetly I haven't gotten anything for my birthday some shopping to do.

Hope all is well with everyone!

This happens everytime

For some reason everytime I play a SMT game I always get near the end and then have to stop playing for awhile. It happened with Nocturne..the holidays came a long and I had to stop playing for over a month. Turns out I was about 15 minutes from the end of the game. I still haven't finished Digital Devil Saga 2 but I'd have to start from the beginning again. I made it to the final dungeon there and had to stop. Now with Devil Summoner 2 I am at the final boss but don't have the time to really finish it. I need to level up some more before I can beat the game. I will get there eventually.

Other news I started playing Class of Heros...takes me back to the good old days of RPGs where you have to role your stats for your characters. I wish there were more of those games...other than the ones on the PC. Can't afford a good gaming PC right now.

I hope everyone is doing well...I'm trying to make the most of a semi-day off...sleep is good right now.