I was expecting Sony to come a little harder than this. Still solid titles....but seeing how Microsoft's give away program is twitching with a little life, I thought Sony would lower the hammer on Microsoft. Maybe they will announce something at E3 for July.
@rawkstar007 ....OR ...this sounds like a product still in Beta :) Lets wait for a final product, where Parental Controls are surely going to be in before we get our blood pressure up :)
But I am sure Gamespot put this here so we will find a way to fight about it -- so ....lets see....@rawkstar007...clearly you are a Google Android Fanboy.-- and something about 1080p......boom....take that.
....how is that Gamespot.....did I meet expectations :)
Spencer has to realize that a majority of the gamers actually do have money and will pay for a service (XBox Live/PS+) for as long as they have that system. I am sure most people who got a PS4 got PS+ and who picked up an XBox One picked up Live (sad reality of gaming these days) But I can't tell you when the last time I played my 360, so even though I got "all those games" they are just sitting there. If I had a PS3 and no longer playing it...guess what will happen to those games ... :).
As we move into the digital age, the days of showing off my giant box of Old NES and SNES games are over. Games are not "collected" like they use to.
I appreciate XBox Live owners can "keep their games" after they leave the service. But On paper...Sony throwing darts -- I don't mind "renting" a game for 6 - 8 years LOL. So bring it Microsoft!!!! :)
@vduong942 and that is based on 3 users my friend (at the time of writting this). Now it could go down, it could go up. But pointing to the score board before the game starts is a tad bit premature :)
I don't get what this community is coming to. So we are sad and angry when a studio closes. Then I read about 1500 or so comments openly routing for a game and a studio to fail. Has Gamespot really got GAMERS to the point where they want a game to fail just so a system will fail?
wow....just wow. All these games (even Remember Me, which I thought was awesome) are very nice games...even better being Free!!!---and these games are no more than 12 months. Hell, PS4 games of course are less than 4 months. Microsoft needs to step up. I think the XBox One community is being nice until E3 (the E3 announcement for XBox One Games for Gold), noone don't buy a new system in the first month and expect free stuff, but when you look across the way and see your buddy getting free crap his new system he just got a week before I did....makes you look at your own toys and be like "where is my free stuff...."
Guess I will go download my 2 year old Zombie game....
HA! I found myself more into the story than the side by side (which I must admit I am impressed with what the Vita did)....I think I will be picking this up soon for the 360 (would be nice for an XBox One Port :) ).
Heck, based on what I seen, this should have been AC3 - seems much more interesting than the "main" story I played with Connor.
You would think a game where you stab a person in the neck would be good LOL...oh well, still picked it up. Launch time is the only time we all knowingly buy horrible games LOL.
nighterrorx's comments