I have both and so far I've been really impressed with ps+. But this is why competition is a good thing. If it were not for sony, games with gold would have never happened.
It still chaps my ass that Microsoft paid so much money to make this an exclusive. I understand that a guarantied pay day is better than a new risky business venture but I can't help but feel Microsoft has alienated itself even further by being the big bully in the school yard. But then again I'm not a fan of most multiplayer games so.... six of one, half a dozen of the other.
DRM once a day is still DRM and having to pay a fee to play used games is still a restriction on used games. Silly Microsoft you are illuminating your edge against the PC. I fear Sony is only playing us lip service and is going to follow suit. Everyone blames the downturn in the industry on used games. This might be the death nail in the console industry because they just don't get it.
It's my money and i'll bitch if I want to. I'll also spend my money how I want to. I can tell you no used games is a deal breaker for me. That is also one of the main reasons I liked consoles over Steam. Good article and dead on.
Here's the deal, I bought Battlefield 3 for 59.99 at retail. I played it, got sick of it, sold it on eBay while it was still hot for 30.00 plus. Online pass didn't even slow down the used copies. The person who bought it dropped around 40.00 for a mint game with a new online pass code. It was a great bargain for everyone involved.
You idiots have priced yourselves right into the poor house. I'm older, I make good money, and I think these games are over priced, much less these kids and young adults who are strapped for cash. The bottom line is we don't need the latest and greatest rehash of old games. We want thoughtful and new, think outside the box, kind of games, that are reasonably priced. Do this and you will own the market.
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