Hey the guy who begs for money on the web is on. (flame on).
nihonking's forum posts
LOL the more they show destiny the less I know lol is it open world? Can I play offline?
The South Park guys should have hosted this shit show
That would be pretty nice I find it funny how everyone hated the VGA's now they have a new format and the internet want a crowd and audience and are mad.
Joel is making this show awesome lol I cant stop laughing I'm dying.
You're being sarcastic right?
Hopefully he leaves soon and just let Geoff host it.
Ya cause Geoff is such a awesome host begging Reggie for a reveal lol. Most of you are angry that this guy is mocking your hobby openly lol lighten up its just video games lol.
Joel is making this show awesome lol I cant stop laughing I'm dying.
Thanks for the hype thread my body is ready for this game.
This guy my god lol nice troll attempt but no dice also....I have both plus four gaming rigs paid cash for all of them suck on that.
I'd rather throw my money into a fireplace or use it as toilet paper than buy an Xbox One.
Okay, not really, but I still wouldn't buy it since Microsoft's attempts at deceiving the uninformed are really pathetic. Not to mention that it's hardly a next gen system when compared to a PS4, and they're lacking any major first party studios that might entice me into buying one.
Completely understand to each his own man as for me I just hope the games start rolling out for ps4 ,pc , xbox one because the start of each gen is so freaking boring lol. Don't get me wrong I love the consoles but man we have some sick games coming up we have to wait for.
titanfall, watchdogs, second son , the order, the crew, few others this gen needs to ramp up lol cant wait for 2014.
I picked up both, but I'm not sure if I am opening my Xbone.
I'm on the fence, I have no games I bought...however, I did get Killer Instinct for free due to my massive 100,000+ Gamerscore and longtime Xbox Live Gold Tenure from the original Xbox.
Still, I played K.I. at a friends, and it wasn't worth buying an expensive $500 machine for. I got multiplats on the PS4, that leaves me with DR3 which I hated that series...I really might just take it back until they release an EXCLUSIVE game I would buy the system for. The PS4 launch wasn't amazing, but it did have a few things going for it. Let me explain.
I'm just on the fence. The PS4 launching for a cheaper $400 (+$10 gift card), PS4 being more powerful for multiplats, and launching a week earlier ensured the ONLY multiplat purchases like AC and BF4 I would buy on it. I'm really in a pickle, because I have a history of buying these things at launch, but I don't have games I want to play on my Xbone sitting in the living room, unopened.
When I bought the $400 360 at 2005 launch, although misguided I was salivating over PD0. I also was looking forward to GeoW. Plus, it was the FIRST next gen device to launch at the time, so there was excitement there.
When I bought the $600 PS3 at 2006 launch, I had been waiting for a price drop in Blu-Ray players which were $1000 at the time, and The PS3 came with Blu-Rays for my 1080P HDTVs, and the promise of Naughty Dog's new games and MGS4 as an exclusive (I bought a PS2 launch 2000 for DVD playback and hovering MGS2 back in the day).
Fast foward to today, I bought my Xbone. I was there in the store, but it's the last next gen system to release. No points or excitement there for being next gen anymore, I got that from buying the Wii U last year. I have no interest in Kinect whatsoever (same for move, PS camera, etc). It appears Kinect itself has no good games anyways and I would just unplug it as I have a bad ass center channel speaker I have instead. I have no interest in the media aspects for TV or NFL. I do love games, but the EXCLUSIVE games left to buy for Xbone I have no interest in them. I've never been a racing fan, I dislike the DR series (I own 1 & 2 on 360), RYSE is mediocre as hell and I never liked Crytek anyways, and I got season, piecemeal, downloadable fighting game K.I. for free but that singular game not screaming keep your Xbone for $500 and play it for a year!
I even asked to see a list of upcoming exclusives in the next few months, the guy in the store couldn't list anything but multiplats. I have a feeling Halo 5 will be available Xmas 2014, so why not wait for that bundle and possible price drop?
I've always bought systems at launch which is why I bought mine today, but I'm really worried that I should just wait six months for the inevitable price drop probably announced at E3 2014 right around the corner, or at Xmas 2014. Plus, a FULL Xbone game will be bundled in by next year, I'm sure.
I would rather finish by backlog on 360, PS3, Wii, Wii U, PC, handhelds, and wait for a KICKASS exclusive like a Halo 5 or whatever to release. I'm getting Destiny on PS4 due to the extra content and extra power under the PS4s hood. While I understand it's a nice machine, and I have the money so that's not the issue as it's in my Livingroom as we speak unopened...At this point in time, the Xbone feels like a redundant purchase.
Good read ya I get you on waiting. I have a backlog that goes all the way to og xbox and ps2 to be honest not to mention my stupid steam impulse purchases. I think at this point Im collecting games as if it were a game lol. To be honest after reading your post and your wants and needs id send the ps4 and xbone back and game on Pc until about a year from now when the games start really pouring out. Anyway enjoy the consoles with whichever choice you make.
I have three gaming PCs (four if you count my powerful little lappy), but due to DRM and the fact I'm a collector that takes pride in game values, I use my gaming ONLY for PC exclusive games. I don't buy multiplatform games on PC unless through a bundle deal of some sort. A game like BF4 is an example of something I can play and sell or give away the retail disc to a friend on console, but if I buy on PC it's locked up in Origin DRM and has no resell/collectors...not for me. Exclusive RTS, select exclusive FPS, select exclusive RPGs, and exclusive MMOs are what my PCs get used for.
I agree though, having been apart of so many console launches including today's Xbone...launches suck. At least Nintendo usually has a first party title I enjoy though, haha.
I get hear you Im the same I have 3 high end rigs and also (here comes the boo's) a macbook and alienware for my laptop gaming. Yet I still feel the need to collect also by purchasing the .games with disc included.
Wow, we are very similar...Great to meet you! My Xbone is a Day One, I know it sounds silly but I want it for that, even though I have nothing to play lol. My lady thinks I'm crazy! haha.
Likewise and game on friend.
I'm too judicious with my money and long-term financial goals to buy both and pay for the online subs for both. Not to mention my limited expendable free time does not justify two consoles, and gaming is just one of several hobbies I enjoy.
Good for you I put more money into my cars than gaming but if you make enough you can have your cake and eat it too. Plus 1000 is really not much if you have a decent job to be honest. Im thinking to my self if you think 1000 is allot you don't want to become a car enthusiast lol that's a drop in the bucket.
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