Shadow Jago was an exclusive for that day one gold card. (Which I also miss) As far as I know, he was only available with day one gold, you can't purchase him through the game or unlock him. Your best would be to look for day one xbox live cards on ebay or amazon or you could just wait till iron galaxy releases him individually, which might not even happen but who knows it might. He plays exactly like regular Jago, only difference is his looks.
There are actually a few places by me that still have the Day One XBL Gold Cards. Mainly Toys R Us. Any chance the codes would be active?
Well from what I can tell, most newer releases run more or less the same. If i remember, Witcher 3 is pretty similar on both systems. Xbox One uses some dynamic resolution that changes to keep the frame rate good. I haven't played a game on Xbox One where it was like, running terrible.
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