im looking like crazy for cheats for this game and find nothing ! its a not real ! im using gameshark disk and action replay max disk thats cheat disk that make youer life much esay in games :-)
PS2-Obscure.[PAL-Multi5] this game formt that ihave is in german , can i change it to english some way? mybe ther is a program to it? the subtitle is in german (no english option) and the talking ther are in german , any one can help me?
im in the leval TOMB OF TIHOCAN when i have to move 2 wooden crates into square pressure pads one opens the gate and the other one opens platform with the metal ring , now when i moved one of the cartes it opens the gate and when i move the other one to the square pressure its should open or relase the platform but its not :-( the game stuck ! and i have to reload it .
what im doing not good ? i follow the walkthrough like its say and game stuk ...
im in japan part in the second flor ther is this big coin in the midlle of the screens that i have to do this thing:Notice how the very middle of it is shiny? Grapple it and give it a tug to pull it off the wall. It will sway a short way before coming to a halt. Give a little bit more of a convincing with Lara's guns by shooting the support clamps on either top corners to send it flying downwards.
now , u dont know how to give it a tug ? how can i do it ? i use my grapple on it and try to pull it but i wont move:-(
how to i give it a tug ? what do i have to push on my kebord ? i going dead here help me please
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