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nin752545 Blog

Um... Wow. What drug was I on making these???

Okay, I know it has been a long while, but I do have to say that reading my old blog posts had me realize just how big of an effect some things were back then in my life that still effect me now. Time has past certainly. My "soul-mate" is no more (thankfully), I no longer live with my parents (thankfully), and my feelings to Call of Duty has slightly changed... Slightly. So much has happened between my last post and now. If I had to choose 3 big things that have a positive effect on my life, I would have to say they might be a bit surprising.

First would be my stance on wanting to be an aspiring journalist in the gaming world. I in fact want even more than that now and have come very close to my dream job. I am a part of the gaming community as a E-sports commentator and I have become a content creator. You can check my stuff out on and also look up my "MARMAR'S GAME CORNER" podcast on Mixcloud. Currently, I graduated at Illinois Media School to up my game up a bit and I'm also a corespondent for the Pro Battle League or "PBL" for short. I find it crazy that I was reading some of my old stuff and realized just how that hasn't changed much other than the fact I have been acting a little more on what I want to do.

My biggest change happened back July 13, 2014. For some gamers that know my love for the EVO series, they might bring up EVO 14 that happened that day. Truth is the greatest thing that happened that day was the birth of my 3 year old daughter, who currently isn't in my life as she should be but she is still a huge reason why I have been pushing to become what I always dreamed to be. No, the mother isn't the person I kept writing about in my old posts. In fact there are some eerie things about those old posts that I will touch on in a later blog. Nonetheless, I simply just want to say this is a bit of a reboot of my blog posts and I'm pretty excited to start writing once again about gaming even though I will be also making new videos and podcasts to sorta up my game a bit. The world has evolved and it is a very interesting time to be alive. Hopefully you (the reader of course) can find some enjoyment in my blog posts. We have a ton of catching up to do and I am super glad to be returning to my roots of why I wanted to be a part of the industry in the first place.

Be sure to follow me on:



Snapchat: mastermindeg7

The Mind of the MAR: Dark Knight Rises...

So much has happened this weekend that I can never really say that something like this whole past 4 days can never be repeated. So much was to be expected for this week but never will anyone come out and see things in the same light. I am truely in amazement, sadness, and shock for how this week ended. All because of a movie. I know the people who read this already know what I'm talking about, but just... wow. I am only a spectator of life and for what everything, I am in so many positions on how everything ended up. Without further adew, I will explain myself.

Dey-shay De-shay

Let me get to the elephant in the room. The Colorado shooting was of course one of the worst things to have happened in recent memory. I will not get into the story, but I will get into what my thoughts are. I really do not like to go to midnight movie showings usually because there are just way too much of outside things happening for me to enjoy the movie. Always a baby or two, the nerds who dont shut up at all during the movie, kids not being watched making dumb sounds and throwing things. So when it comes to me even going to those midnight showings, I really have to be with a group that is in my regular element, such as my friends. Thse things didn't even pass my mind when I heard at first that some 24 year old maniac with his hair painted red and with full body armor that he put on with 3 weapons and started shooting up everyone in his path... I was really just a little angry. Why? because of guys like him, its impossible for many people to enjoy life without the thought of getting killed at any moment. I hate men like him. We all had to sit there and hear about so many people who were either killed, shot, or for those who managed to get away. The sadness was felt all around me while going to see the movie as well. Its not everyday you hear about something so sick and saddening. This maniac told cops " I am the Joker" which as many people can guess that he means the last villian in the last batman movie prior to the one that came out this past weekend. As a person who likes to mess with minds and find out true intentions of human nature. I can only say this. ( I am in no way trying to say something nice about this sick indavidual but I just want to only understand him) I believe this man did his homework well. For what he wanted to accomplish was to bring chaos to a small area and causing it to effect the world. Why would I say this? How do I know this? As i read and hear about this person I see a smart young man who just gave up on life and wanted to cause something so dark and evil that he will forever be remembered as a true villian.I believed he used the persona of " The Joker" because this is the most recent memory we have for what the embodiment of chaos is. Its obvious that he doesn't believe in real world terrorist, because if he did, he would name one of them rather a fictional character. Also since this is a batman movie, why not use the one villian everyone will remember from the last Batman film? Joker was something that everyone seen as a crazy and scary person because he brought out the worst in people by using fear and chaos. This man wanted the same thing. He planned everything out well so he won't get caught. I feel kind of sad just admiting this... but this man was a sick genius. I only wish he could have used his mind for more better things like curing Cancer or finding a new energy source to help others, not kill people while they are living their life ( I honestly hope people do not hate me for saying this). For everyone who had to be there, or even related to those who were there, my heart goes to all of you. I only pray that people take the message this can give. Which is live life. No matter what we are never garenteed tomorrow. I for one cannot live another day in fear of my own life. Chaos has no shape or form. It only has an after effect. We as a race of emotional beings must remember this. We can live life and have fear, just don't let it run you.

Bah-sur-rah Bah-sur-rah

Now to what I want to say about The Dark Knight Rises. Yes this is gonna have spoilers to possibly all 3 movies. So please do not write to me being angry because I said something. Spoilers will be put here.

The Dark Knight Rises pretty much put this trilogy as the best one yet. Yes over Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and any other movie trilogy you can think of. Why? This is more grounded in realism and can actually happen. There is so much emotion that it just blows my mind just thinking about it. Every batman movie before this one was just really more about show and not too much about being realistic. Chris Nolan has out done himself and this last movie he did wasn't gonna even happen. Bruce Wayne is at his best here. Of course I know many will say they came to see batman but we get as much of batman as we always have. Bruce Wayne in the entire movie is the real Bruce, not the playboy Bruce that he uses to trick people. one of my favorite parts of the movie is where there is a maskarade ball going on and he is the only one without a mask. simply just wonderful to see. Before this movie I loved Batman Begins. Really just because it was the genesis of the hero we all know and love. We got to see why he became the Dark Knight and not just some mini talks about his past. We got to see a villian that used fear against Batman to beat him, and we also see the real power of the League of Shadows. I was happy to see them and not Penguin, Riddler, Poison Ivy...etc. I do like the other characters, but I know all of them since i grew up watching the animated series. I know really all of the villians but to use lesser characters to set a mood of reality was just amazing. Anyway, I didn't feel anything was off. Bane is my new favorite villian on screen, somply because we got to see a person not only smart but also more stronger than Batman. He does not need tricks to beat him. He has fists that are just as deadly as him, and he can, and did break our hero. DAMN I FELT THE PAIN!!! everything played out so much more better than any batman film so far. Catwoman from begining to end felt like a wonderful edition to the film. She wasn't really catwoman but a cat thief. Speaking of which, they pretty much shat on Bruce's life. His mind, body, spirit, and finance were gone at about the second half of the film. Just wow for this man. All of the movie was pretty much perfect in my standards and I will say that this was one of my highlights of the summer. I will not kill too much of the movie but I will say that freshen up on Batman Begins before seeing this one.

I really don't know what else to say, but just leave a comment or message me on any thiughts on anything you would like to talk about.

The Mind of the MAR: Being in fighting spirit.

It takes two to tango

This past weekend for me has been all about fighting. Both for my love of competitive sport in the UFC and my competitive cravings in the gaming world. I only wish I was off to enjoy it a little better. In fact it would have been good to be in Las Vegas to see all of this go down. Never have I seen such an atmosphere when it comes to the level of awesome sauce coming from the city that never sleeps. I only wish that there will be another great weekend like the one that just past. All so I csn prepare and see history unfold. I am gonna keep this short because there really isn't much to say about the greatest weekend I have ever seen. I hope I put enough detail to explain just how amazing it was.

Anderson Silva just is a champion no matter what.

For those who don't know what the UFC is, it is only the fastest growing sport today, also known as the "Ultimate Fighting Championship". Only the greatest fighters in the world fight in the arena and only the best come out the victor. I love this so much that I actually enjoy the workouts that they all go through. I honestly see this as a true test of skill than boxing because you have to be diverse in the mix martial arts world to survive. Every style matters and every moment counts. Now to the match that was the main event. It was a middleweight title fight between what I believe to be the best fighters in that division. Chel Sonnen the challenger who has once nearly toppled the giant standing across from him. The longest running win streak in the UFC. The greatest pound for pound fighter and icon for many rising stars, Anderson Silva. My god was this fight such a wait. The amount of trash talk and anticipation was over anything I was expecting to see. Even though Anderson Silva ended the match once nd for all in the second round via TKO, I will say this. Both fighters have my upmost respect and high praise as two of my favorite fighters in the weight division. Possibly in the entire company. I only wish that one day there will be someone strong enough to match these guys. Because right now, nobody can touch them at their class. Super fighters in the greatest reguards. Of course there are other fighters that are to me some of the greatest in their own right, but these two... Bravo.

Fighters that set their joysticks to pwn...

So, now for the true main event of my weekend. The Evolution fighting tournament 2012. The greatest fighting game tournament in the world. Litterally like the olympics of the fighting game genre. Both old school and new school games are represented. By the power of all things awesome. My number one highlight for me has to be Bala. He is an incredible King of Fighters 13 player and he did show everyone he belongs in the pit with the best of them. I honestly wish he won the grand final against Korea player KoF ( can't remember his name right now) who dominated his way into Bala's mind and took the title. Let me say this much. I will nver get as good as these guys in all of their respective fighting games simply because I have a weak fighting game play style, but I will still do my best to get near the type of competitive level to hold my own. I hope that what comes up now will be some insane stories in th fighting community which I will be staying around to listen and watch to. Bravo to all of the winners in all of the fighting games played this past weekend and thank you to the guys running the streams. It really was amazing to be a spectator online, so expect me there with a few friends next year. EVO 2012 FTW!!!!!

Mind of the MAR: So... I been missing from the internet...

Seriously... I was missing from the internet...

Why I keep talking about it i will get to that. To get to the meat of things, we moved and needed to transfer our internet service from the old place to the other. It didn't go well. We got the go around when all they had to do was send someone to the new apartment. They played the " we will be there in 3-5 days" card for two weeks on us and finally we said screw At&t we are done with them. Sadly We might go for for Clear internet service but I hope we get internet from Comcast. No they are not the best but they are better than At&t and I know that by experience. So, to all who have wondered why I haven't played any XBL for a while, there is your answer. No internet at the crib yet. Plus for a while the internet at work (also by At&t) has been acting up. So without any problems so far right now, it has worked nicely. I worry that it will die since this is day4 of me trying to blog and everytime i am finished, the internet decides to die. Hope it doesn't happen now. Other than that I will thank all of whom have been reading my blogs as of lately. Plus for those who know of DigEgames I also thank you for the support you have been showing us. It means a lot to us and we couldn't ask for a better audience. For now, I will just say... **** YOU At&t... Big time!!!

Wow. Only missed out on... a bunch!!!!

So let me get this strait? I have been missing so much off of the internet. Yes it is that much of an importance to my everyday life. Where I am left with so much to go through in the next few days all because i missed two weeks of information. That sucks so badly. Yes I can read newspapers and watch the news, but its not the same to me. Having to wait for information rather have at the press of one button. So I am a little happy for it since it gives me something to do. Not bad at all I will say. I can manage that with what limited internet I have at the time of this blog. **** YOU At&T!!!

Quick wrap-up

I want to make this blog short because on my time off the internet I came up with a ton of stuff to blog about. So sorry to say I don't have the time to do so now since I am at work but I will get back on track via DigEgames headquarters. Once again thank you all who read this and watch the DigEgames livestreams and videos. Keep on dropping that bass cannon!!! I will be back with another blog tomorrow.

Mind of The MAR: On a personal note...

Moving blues:

Hello to all my readers. I have been quite busy to write something on my blog since my family and I moved to another place this week. We are currently unpacking everything and I wanted to take the time to go ahead and get a little persolal with myself for this entry. Generally my buddies know I was gonna move but didn't know where I was going to move to. I will gett everyone over by the new place as soon as everything is settled since the place is in chaos right now but I will say I love it there. Everyone has their own space and there is a lot to do around the neighborhood. I honestly wish the internet can be up but I believe it won't be up till the end of this week. No biggie at all. Just wish I can play some Battlefield since I haven't touched it in about a week now. Summer is finally here and I am stoked to see what will be going on this summer. Already there has been so much happening but I couldn't attend anything recent due to the moving. As soon as it is done I am sure I will be doing a lot of chilling and having a good time with all my friends.

Big things popping:

So I have been a bit lazy when it comes to planning. Really I want to knock out this week for the rest of the moving then go ahead to LAN parties and get togethers. All of the plans I have are in my mind but not yet in motion since I have a lot to get situated. Really I am a bit sad because I want to get this done but I keep on getting stuff that are just more important than all of the gatherings. I promised myself that I will get these things done soon and I haven't delivered just yet. You might ask why can't someone else do it, well its because nobody else is as good as me when it comes to bringing people together. I might sound a bit cocky but I am serious. Anyone else tryes to get things started and something will just ruin everything. I just hope everyone will be patient enough to just wait a little longer so I can get these done.

My dream of becoming a good journalist in the gaming industry:

For those who don't know, I have a dream of being that guy that writes reviews and be the guy that gets inside scoops on all of the latest in games. Ever since I first watched g4TV when geoff kingley was a host on, I was always facinated by by how these people had an inside look on new content that nobody else can touch. I want to have that feeling of being that guy that gives the world the news they want to hear about the games they love so much. The gaming industry is a realm of incredible people with common ground to mingle and enjoy together as a group. I hope that one day I will be able to be with the best bringing you the readers and the rest of the world all the info you want to know about what is going on in the games industry.

Mind of the Mar: games are fun.

Basic gaming 101: Have fun

Hello to all of my readers. I been on a bit of a deep thought state for about a few days just thinking why I really play games and what I should always remember for the rest of my life. This should already be an obvious thing but I love games and will continue to do so because of all the fun that comes with it. So even when I am playing with my buddies like a boss in competitive mode I will say that I am still having my fun. I actually found it funny how I actually put this concept with my everyday life as well. No matter what I am doing, weather its walking or working on the **** day ever, I try to have fun doing so. One of the things that I recently started to do is make video commentaries to play along with my gameplay from games like Halo or BlazeBlue.Even though I was tired as **** and didn't even want to do anything because of the day I was having. Making videos shouldn't feel like a bad thing to do no matter what. I mean, yes since I am human I will get those feelings where I won't care for some things that I do in my life, but generally I love to keep the spirit of fun with everything I do. Positive equals happiness.

DigEGames isn't just another channel...

In the spirit of my good friend Eric, the youtube chanel he started isn't just anything that just came up. He really feels like his opinions should be heard on some of the topics in our everyday lives. He is using the channel to bring a community together to talk about something we all can relate with. This is what DigEGames is about. Community communicating with one another. I want to help him out on this vision. So far we had some sucess with live streaming on "" and have a small fan base that watches us play and talk to us. Usually there is one of us playing and the other is streaming. There are also a few others like my good friend Nattalie and my other friend Alex working with us. We are trying to keep a community together with doing what we love ( I say some of this in my latest video commentary but I didn't flush it out as much as I'm doing now since while making the video I was dead tired). Hopefully I keep in mind some of the stuff I want to say in the next videos I do. I will be very popular on the tubes if I keep at it. With the type of friends I have and the determination I have to do this, I feel we will be something not too many people would have seen coming.

WUB me in all of the right ways...

I love dubstep like how **** treat themselves when nobody is around. With enough love to **** on everyone's parade to have a good day. Just joking, but seriously I love dubstep. I have been a huge fan of electronica since my younger years. I just never really had anyone else who grew up with me feel the same way I do for EDM. Daft Punk pulled me right in and I been on a voyage since. Now today revolves around the sub-genre known as dubstep and must I say, I am happy its starting to get noticed. I wonder what will happen though with it if media started to destroy it's key image and use it to make a quick buck? I hoestly know it will come down to what the fan base does with what they are given. All I know is I am happy all of this came from Disco and Chicago house music!!! I did grow up listening to house music and I can see the core elements that keep all of these types of music together. All forms of EDM ( Electronic Dance Music for those who don't know) I hope this world can be under one umbrella and enjoy all types of it.

My last thoughts on E3.

For those who want the whole thing on what I felt on the E3 confence look at my last blog. I think you will like it. I just wanted to touch on something that I didn't really cover last time. Next generation consoles and graphics. I for one really don't see a need for anything for another five years but the question to ask is what does the next generation have to offer that this generation can't give us now other than better graphics? The WiiU actually is counting itself as something between this generation and the next. So you can't count that in anything. The Xbox 360 and PS3 still have a lot of life in them to last at least five more years. Rumors go around the internet predicting what the "Next-box" and "PS4" but do we really need all of this to be a subject now? Why do people always look at the future so fast? Are we in that point where games are just that boring? Then again, there might be something that we didn't think of. I only hope games stay around for a very long time before they finally end. Till the day comes, I will enjoy all I can with my current games and titles. I know they will be ones to keep and remember forever.

Mind of The Mar: Long time since last entry... So lets talk about E3

Well even if its been a very long time since I wrote anything again, let me say this. For how busy I usually am, I shouldn't even write anything but this years Electroic Entertainment Expo, or E3 for short, has started and must I say I am a little split on some things. Usually i am happy with some of the stuff and i will be honest i do have some very high points for this year and the press confrences that have past but just too much stupid for me that i must write something to get my mind off of it.

Press me once shame on you:

Let me get some of this out and continue on with my life. Microsoft, I love your console out of all of the consoles in the world so far. I love that you care enough to keep the few hardcore titles with you at all times. Halo 4 is something of wonder, Splinter Cell: Blacklist looks amazing, and Forza Horizon is what I have been waiting for when it comes to that franchise. So let me ask you this. Besides all of the 3rd party titles and, sadly enough, another Gears of War game, what else do you have for the hardcore? Better yet, where are your exclusive titles? Where you have been leading yourself for the past 3 years? I will tell you. You have been slowly brushing off the core gamer. As soon as i see Halo 4 is all casual... In fact, lets not go there. You are losing me Microsoft. You cannot just pump out content from just four companies. When I say content, I mean hardcore titles. Dance Central 3 isn't hardcore. I don't really care for about 75% of the confrence all because you only look to where your money will come from. Casual. The one place where to tell you the truth I don't see it to be wrong at a buisness stand point, but like everyone else you must understand that hardcore gamers are the reason why you are in the position you are in now. Yes I love the Halo's and the Gears of Wars, but they will get old eventually and i would rather see new triple A titles for your console. Try to go outside of the shooter genre or revisit some old titles for newer ideas. Please just try to care for the non Kinect croud for at least a few more minutes than you usually do.

Dear Sony,

I thank you for what kind of vibe you went for this year. You wanted to keep your core gamers wanting more and you shown off some pretty neat stuff. Let me make a list of things you can do to improve on though.

1: Less talk, more games. Seriously i almost passed out because the talking was so damn slow... Speed up a bit.

2: You know that playstation move you guys made? Yeah that thing... Destroy it in the fires of mordor. It sucks, it holds you guys down, and really nobody cares about it.

3: Keep your **** a secret till the event comes up. This is a problem with every group but you guys are the worst. Keep it under wraps a little more so I can actually feel surprised. I knew every title you guys shown off was gonna be shown.

4: Take shots at your competition. I loved the PS2 era because you guys were confident enough to make some funnies about your evil oppenents. Bring that back to.

5: I keep this personal, but I want it. I beg for this to be at least teased and it never happens. I might get a PS3 now for The lastr of us, but I only care for one Exclusive you guys have hidden behind closed doors. Kingdom Hearts 3. Stop being **** Release it already.

Your old friend, Marlon.

P.S: Thank you for the PS2 era. You made some of the best titles I can think of.

Dear Nintendo,

I see your tricks, I know what you plan. You guys made this year more casual so they won't feel left out from all the giant monster titles you have still behind closed doors. I like the Wii U and I can't wait what other little things you guys will have. Just one thing though. All of the awesome games like Mass Effect 3 and Batman, don't make just simple gimmicks. Create new content for me to explore. Challenge 3rd party developers. If they can't handle it, then whatever. You guys have so many IP's that you seriously do not need anyone to make games. Pikmin 3 looks nice.

Your fan, Marlon.

P.S: Myamoto is a genius and one of my all time idols for how he combines games and life. I Give him all of the awesome points for the press event, which to be honest would have been very boring without him.

Now that all of that is out of the way... GAMES!!!

I will say not the best E3 but one of my favorites in some reguard. Yes Microsoft tanked, Sony was predictable in a "meh" kind of way and Nintendo just are trolling us till the Tokyo Game Show, but EA did a pretty good job showing off the titles ( that were announced weeks before) and let me say I do like something about the way they advertise games. Winner this year for me was Ubisoft. Splinter Cell is one of my all time favorite series and it looked beautiful. Watch Dogs is in my high list of must haves all from what they shown off. Plus their games on the Kinect ( for as much as I don't care for that thing) are some of the best uses of the motion sensor. Bravo Ubisoft, bravo. Game of this year will have to be Halo 4 though. It looks more better than what I expected and I see a bright future for 343i because of the E3 showing. I would dig deeper later on in the week about what they have shown off so far but i will end this with the top 7 games on my list and the 5 worse things of this E3. Till next time ( whenever that is) live, play, and enjoy.

Top 5 games of E3

1: Halo 4

2: Watch Dogs

3: Splinter Cell: Blacklist

4: The Last of us

5:Farcry 3

6: Resident Evil 6

7:Tomb Raider

5 "F-you" moments

1: Microsoft+Kinect+Usher= Giant middle finger to the face!!! I want games, not concerts

2: I'm not sure if it's a pet peve or many people have this problem... Why do you show the person playing the game? I know what a person looks like playing, I want to see the game DAMMIT!!!

3: Sony took this years crown, but let me say, talking about stuff for longer times than the demos. you almost made me sleep!!!

4: Keep your games a secret till the day of E3. Its like being told what is under the tree for christmas and not being able to open them till the day is here!!!


Okay... So... I don't know what to review yet.

The one thing I get annoyed about these days is what game to review first. I actually have some reviews done but I have yet to put them up and I just want to go ahead and say that I will recommend every game I deem worthy of play. I have been loving some of this year's games. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is the biggest surprise for me. Such a rich and deep game full of lore and loot that I just gotta say I most likely will not pick up Skyrim for that reason. KoA:R is my type of game and I hope to see a sequal before the end of this generation. Other games I have been playing also still carry out from last year like Gears of War 3. So much DLC that I cannot be more happy to have bought the system bundle. Mass Effect 3 is what I expected it to be. The best in the series, but with some issues that thankfully will be adressed soon. So nuch to write about and so much to go by. Promise a review will be up soon.

Mind of the MAR: Finally a journal entry...

I haven't made one of these in a long while. I will say there is so much I wanna talk about that has happened, what I have planned, and of course everything in between. Besides the very serious **** I will keep most of the stuff on here gaming friendly. Which I only mean by writing about games and what have been a bit of an adventure. The year is full of promise and I want to get so much done. I have to say I haven't really been making the right moves but I will try my best to make this year the most accomplished one so far. So to the two people who read these I will like to say sorry for the long ass break. I have been a bit busy and quite frankly my life is easily more important than my rants. I will be putting up more content soon. So if oyu are still around, be a little more patient.

The mind of the MAR: VooDoo magic at its blackest lolz

Sleeping on the job:Hello to those who have been waiting so long for a post. As you all know ( if you read the other posts) I been waiting for E3 like a 12 year old girl waiting for the next installment of Twilight. I have watched and seen everything but my mind needed some time to relax and reboot since I also have been working very hard and been trying to catch up with some of my sleep. I will say that after my hangover on what was to me a very exciting event with a few letdowns, that there is a huge amount of stuff I want to get into. Plus a little update on whats been going on with me.

EPIC E3 FTW'S AND WTF'S:So, where should I start? When it comes to E3 I only want to see just what rumors are true and which ones are just a rumor. I'm sure if you are on this website reading this blog then I am more than positive you already know what has been announced. Just in case you didn't check though, I'm gonna go through a few things I found awesome and the things that pissed me off ( why Halo?). The first up to the plate for press confrences was the mighty Microsoft. The things I expected from them was really just a reveal of the Halo 1 remake. I did want to see some more games for the kinect that would bring more of a " hardcore" feel to it, but I kept my hopes a little low on that so I won't get pissed. They kicked off the show with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3... oh, and a controller malfunction, which made me laugh, but the showing of MW3 was pretty... Hmm, not to say as much as it was awesome or that it sucked, but you will be getting another Call of Duty all the way down to the "tee" by the looks of what I seen. Action topped with action topped with explosions only Micheal Bay can top.Looks like it is running on the Infinity Ward engine that ran the previous Modern Warfare. A few tweaks to the engine that aren't really noticed the first time seeing this gameplay demo, but I liked it. Looks like yet another year that this franchise will sell like hot cakes. Moving a little more forward to the stuff that made me say wow, Mass Effect 3... OH...MY...SHEPARD!!! This game looks like an epic that will simply shut out what I have left for the Star Wars movies. Why? This is the battle that fans of this series has been waiting for ( me included). I love this series and will only wish for the best ending in gaming history. Voice command was shown for this demo, I really don't care too much for it, but I would like to use it if I got lazy from using the controller. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier!!! Games wise, it stole the show for me. Using the Kinect system to use both hand gesters and voice command to play the game. It looked so good my older brother even got excited for it. I don't blame him either. It looked like this was gonna be the first part of the hardcore wave that was coming to the Kinect. Forza 4 is also using kinect by having hand tracking and head tracking to the mix, not bad, and neither are the graphics. Yet another game that i want to play on the Kinect. Halo Anniversery was also announced. Which made me a happy camper even more. A full remake of the first halo game in HD!!! I felt like my Halo life was complete. Gears of War 3 also had a demo. I simply can't wait for all of the games I have listed. Youtube is gonna be on the 360 along with minecraft, bing, live tv, and UFC!!! S oi really have no reason to use things like regular cable anymore, at least for now.Then there are the rest of what was shown...sigh... Why did I hope during this press confrence? Anyway, games like disneyland, Dance Central 2, etc. Its not bad that these games are there by any means. They appeal to the "casual" market.Fable and Star Wars kinect look like rail shooters that will get boring after a good five minutes. At least to me they do. not much for me to look at as a gamer. When I seen Tim Shafier come out, I thought he was gonna announce something huge, but he shown that he's been working on a sesame street game... not mad but I did expect the creative mind behind psychonauts to show something epic. Then was the big kick in the ass... I heard that it was announced before the press confrence but I hoped it to be false. They announce that bungie, the makers of the halo franchise, that market the fact that Halo 3 was the end of the fight, and that games like reach and odst were to show other parts of the story before the end of Halo 3... yeah, Halo 4, Halo 5, and Halo 6 were announced!!! Why does it piss me off you ask? well, at the end of Halo 3, for those who never beat it in legendary, Master Chief is still alive floating in the back half of the ship they escaped with after the ark was destroyed. He and Cortana are floating somewhere in space and can't do much about it but float around till they are found. The last thing to come out of Master Chief's mouth was " wake me when you need me". After that it panned out to some huge structure that looked like, to me at least, a forrunner planet. Yes that shown that they will eventually go back to this series, but why so soon? Master Chief isn't needed by any means. We have so many other franchises that we can play. I honestly believe as a huge Halo fan and a hardcore gamer that we seriously don't need anything involving Halo for a while now. I don't know about you guys, but i would seriously like a break from this franchise. I love it to death, but i don't want it to be like the Call of Duty series where its pretty much the same over and over again. On the bright side, Bungie has yet to let me down so lets see where this goes. Overall, I give Microsoft a C- because even with all of the stuff that was shown I don't feel like it was really a show that I wanted to see.

Now to Sony. I am not too much of a PS3 player but I will say this; the games that are on the PS3 that appeal to me are also on the 360, whick=h is why I don't care too much for it. The only thing I want out of Sony is my long awaited Kingdom Hearts 3 teaser. No game yet, just a little teaser. So Sony really for me wasn't gonna be much. I already seen their new handheld, which at the time was called NGP. Plus I already know about the games like Resistance 3 and Uncharted 3. So there wasn't much to show. The only thing I enjoyed out of that was how they adressed the Playstation outage. That was very **** of them to handle that first. The NGP is now the PSVITA and so far I don't like the name. I like the price point though. 249.99 for the wi-fi version and 299.99 for the 3G version. Finally, something other than Apple that can compete with the Nintendo handheld. The bad for me was the fact 98% of the confrence was already shown months ago. Plus the partnership with At&t is a bit stupid, but hey what can you do? They got a D for the fact I seen most of this stuff a while ago.

Nintendo last year won in my book last year simply because they had some magic I haven't seen in years out of them. The fact that this company was the foundation of my gaming years made me hope for a better tomorrow for not just me, but every hardcore Nintendo fan out there. The big thing this year was the announcement of the new nintendo console. I honestly thought it had something to do with a new controller that you will be able to stream games from the system on to the controller and play games on there kinda like a handheld. I wasn't too far from that idea. They shown it off and to my sheer amazment it was almost to a "Tee" that I got it right. Holy mother of games. Welcome to the new era of games. I love this new console! Although the name is kinda wierd to say. Wii U... I know, stupid right? Once you get why they call it that it doesn't bother that much. It comes out in 2012, will have HD graphics, and finally, hardcore games like Battlefield 3!!! Nintendo also shown off the 3DS lineup, I am waiting for just Kid Icurus but I'm not gonna forget that games like Starfox and Super Mario are also coming out soon. Nintendo, to tell you the truth, I think you should go see it for yourself. I give it an "A" and I'm not even close to done...

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