just hope, SE won't start pushing him into too many other projects. , Yoshi should focus on ffxiv ... and it sequel / continuation ffxiv-2 with a new engine (keep the sub for both ffxiv & ffxiv-2, story background, characters, classes, housing etc. ..just evolve the engine
that said, if ffxvi 's story, world, voice acting are o paar with ffxiv, with dcc action and a real world to exlpore.., this new ff entry has a lot of potential, and already the whole ffxiv fan base (not just ff), really excited
the "newst ff action" is not much different than FFXV action (even the ffvii remake has "action").., so it wasnt his idea, nothing "new", he just continued it,.. but got some of the best from the industry to compose its action (DMC)
turn based rpg action is great too.. , but not a real thing in ffs for a while.., he's going with the flow.. and when you look at ffxiv, he knows something or two on building up action for Rpgs (skill stats, progression etc.), and we are getting the core action from DMC pros too.., this is great for the franchise
that said, hope DQ always stays turn based.., but exuted to play ffxvi..
(am sure, it will have a easy and hard mode too.., so no worries, if fear it will be too hard or easy)
SE keeps fine tuning the gamplay and adding QOL chages.. 5.1 will bring big changes to the classes and dps..
bsides the Nier 24 msn raid, LF to the next Ultimate raid..
even if FFXIV isnt perfect (and starts very / too slow), FFXIV still remains the best MMO out there (by a big margin)..
other MMO start off often fresh or beautiful..., but can not sustain its gameplay and concept near as well as FFXIV.. (which has the best / most rewarding action and best story of any mmo out there.., and I'm not a fan of other FF games, aside of the SNES versions and few PS1)
G4 on normal was a tick to easy (ruining the atmosphere), and on hard not well balanced (ammo kept running out too often).., whereas G1-G3 were great on hard, when soloing them
to many played this on a PC (more bugs than on the consoles), too many played from the start with loud players (destroying the ingame-atmosphere), others got frustrated when trying to rush thru as fast as possible on difficult events (when soloing them), others wanted F5 or a full Mmo and are just salty..
F76 is not as good as we hoped F5 could be, but it is as good as a (gigantic !!!) survival DLC for F4 would be, with No NPCs but with other new elements..
as a Bethesda Fallout fan, I am a bit biased, still this is waaay better than Conan Exiles and its action better than any other survival game out there, once you understand the VAST mode and action..
now, after Beta, when playing mostly alone, if toi liked the previous Bethesda F's and FNV, thsn F76 is a solid 8/10.., if not even a tick more..
if you never liked Fallouts nor survival-action games, than sure, this is probably not for you
main problem is that (Bethesda/ Obsidian) Fallouts greatest strength is its Atmosphere, and that just drops so hard when playing with others (lime watching a Horror Film with a room full of friends and beer, instead of watching it alone late at night with headphones)..
F5 (or even just more and way bigger F4 DLCs) would have been cooler...
but guess after ESO success, Bethesda (or Zenimax?) thought they could repeat ESO wirh F76, even if it has a rough launch lime ESO had?
hope Bethesda will listen more to the fans and a bit less to thw greedy shareholders
after doing some of more difficult events alone (not level-wise difficulty, li9ke being underleveled), can see why some reviewer with no patience started to rage and give way to low scores..
some events are in such big / complex areas, in addition of needing to pay attention to hunger, thirst, weights and (sometimes most fatel) radiation.., it can be tricky to do those events on the 1st try alone (and some take time)
I dont mind retrying those, as the areas, atmosphere, tension and action are imo so good..
playing with others (especially with headsets) can rip you out of the atmosphere,.... really recommend to play alone.. and on bigger events team up, but explore and play mostly alone..., if you dont mind some slight difficulty spikes, its really worthwhile as a Bethesda/Fallout and Ion Zur fan
ninboxstation's comments