No Man's Sky is trash, F76 is way better (action, stealthing, snipering, new enemies, great / rewarding and dangerous exploring etc. + great soundtrack)
when playing F76 alone, it does have a FC5 feeling to it (openworld 1ps in a vast area with big forest and mountain parts in like backstate America), while FC5 has story parts, those are not its strengths..
and after playing both for a while, Id even give F76 the same score if not higher (bugd aside), .. though missing NPC'S (and their stories), F76 offer somehow more gameplay / to do..
eitherway, FC5 was imo scored too high with 9/10 ... and F76 way to low with 4/10
F76 playing solo is better, since uses the action and exploring of Fallout 4 and survival parts of FNV, ... story and characters were is never the strengths of Fallout (even if there are a few memorable characters and story parts in F3/NV/4)
while the story and characters were important in ME, but Andromeda does not deliver on those
F76: 8/10 (once you get in deep enough and dont mind playing solo)
ME:A 7/10 (not near as good as the previous ME's, but once bug fixed, not as bad as many made out either)
Bethesda Rpgs and especially F76 are so huge and open, it's no surprise that they can be buggy at release..
Skyrim release on 360 was buggy too,... F76 has already gotten a major bug fixing patch
TES and Fallout are the most loved franchises from Bethesda, and Mmo-ish games are wanted by the masses too, ... so it makes perfect sense Bethesda would release a Mmo(-ish) version of those 2 franchises (but also try to keep them fun for solo players)
at the end, the user number and not the reviews will decide that, though the (too harsh) reviews will influence the sales.., hopefully not too much
hope they can convert the experience and recources from ESO over to F76, to evolve F76 more..., while not losing recources for Starfield, TESVI and/or F6
Conan Exiles might not be the best, but its solid and got good reviews... for it's genre
F76 just got bashed in most reviews, cause its missing some general elements from Fallout (NPC's, climatic story etc.), disapointing the Fallout fans
and F76 feels more like a solo survival singleplayer game (with coop mode) than a survival Mmo, disappointing the Mmo fans
even if F76 has some weaknesses, it has a lot of strengths too (from Fallout and from survival games), and deserves way higher scores than most reviews gave.., and has potential to become a unique (and great) survival game over time
ESO also had a rough start, and has evolved well..., imo F76 has better gameplay from the start, even if some Mmo aspects dont seem to work yet as intended
ninboxstation's comments