Dragon Age imo didnt have much of an gameplay (and especially not atmosphere/tension) increase on the highest setting.., but it was a tad to simple on normal too after a while (went on hard)
@ Darksouls, ment the default setting of course;)
there are not many designers, on which the highest gameplay difficult setting are so well balanced and shift the gameplay (and tension) so well as with Bethesdas.. , once you get into F4 give it a try to survive on the highest (will need a approach change, but once you get the hang of it, its very rewarding and tens... besides you can save anywhere /anytime)
but like many "dark"-ish (or Horror/Survival) games, playing it on a higher (or highest) setting increases the fear of death and therefore the tension (.. an "easy" horror/survival*-ish game just doest really work.. unless youre only after arcace-ish splatter fun, but that would ruin some of the best horror/survivial games )
Halo games (since the 360) are also imo best on either veteran or legendary for the first walkthru (well balanced on higher/highest settings, and the gameplay shifts too.. you sniper more and have these "cat & mouse" duels etc etc... . , while on normal you just kind of run thru it)
Bioware games dont really feel better on the highest either (but can fell a bit too easy after a while on normal), ...on the otherhand Japanese games or often (way) too hard on higher settings for the first runthru (just whish pokemon would be a tad more challenging on normal... like the very first experience back then)
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