@BuBsay I'm not sure if this applies to many people, but I feel a lot of the complaints about WoWs decline in "fun" is simply that most of us have grown older and picked up more responsibilities such that we have less time to say "how do I want to waste my time today" - with that being said, the free time I do have now I feel should be better spent doing more productive things (i.e., not playing WoW). If I still had few responsibilities and could afford to "waste" time, I think I would still find WoW fun. But maybe not - this is just a speculation.
@buddybuk Just outta curiosity.. what didn't you like about Cata? I for one liked it quite a but, but I hear a lot of people say they didn't - just wondering what exactly it was...? thanks!
@tretre32 I wish Gamespot wasn't full of a bunch of moronic children. If you knew anything about marketing and consumer relationship management (CRM - look it up) you would realize how stupid - and wrong - you sound. Consumers should always be a company's top priority otherwise they are setting themselves up to fail. If it was simply a matter of selling a product and then ending the relationship, we wouldn't have any of your so called "MEGACORP"s... I'd love to see a world where your delusional reality were in play. Sony seems to understand this point which is why they are going to beat the shit out of Microsoft this gaming generation. Now that I know I'm responding to uneducated children, this conversation is over.
Wow, although this now makes the Xbox One more appealing, this absolutely confirms that Microsoft doesn't care about its consumers - it only cares about it's profits! Consumers complained and complained, but did Microsoft do anything about it? No.... Only when the PS4 slapped Microsoft in the face by confirming that it would not share the same features did Microsoft pull their fingers our of their ass and say, "Hey, maybe we should think about changing out policies"... **** you Microsoft... seriously.
@Clownbabby I dunno if this is a troll, or just plain stupidity... my current pc is already faster than the specs people are rumoring for the ps4 (and supposedly xbox 720)... the reason why the graphics looks almost as good as the pc is because the game was ported to the pc. And pc gaming isn't dying. Look at league of legends... its still growing every day. This is just the stupidist post I've ever responded too.
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