[QUOTE="Aljosa23"][QUOTE="sxs_alex"][QUOTE="thetruespin"] Remember when Edge gave Resistance 2 a 6/10? Remember how it was the lowest score given by any major reviewer? However, surely this was just a one off... right?
Well, then comes Killzone 2... every other reviewer is giving it 10's and 9's... but then, surprise surprise, Edge gives it a 7!!!
At the end of the day, I think most people realise Edge have been acting kinda funny with reviews recently... but do you think they just do this to get attention? Or do you really think they want the PS3 to fail?
I think they just do it to increase the number of people coming to their website, creating accounts and posting "I HATE YOU EDGE" threads. I guess they can increase their advertising prices as they have more "registered users".
because they don't know how to review games. they gave haze and R2 a 6! what a joke. At least an 8 for R2Why do you say that? Is it because they aren't fanboys and actually take reviewing games seriously unlike magazines like Gamepro and EGM?If their opinion is a joke, yours is aswell.
probally because common sense says that rfom2 is a better game than haze.........
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