Too many, I will name a few off the top of my head: 24, LOST, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Prison Break, Alphas, Leverage, White Collar, Flashforward Fringe, Burn Notice, Family Guy, Scrubs, IT Crowd, Peep Show, The Office (UK). There are probably others but thats all I can think of at the minute :P
nintendo_ds_06's forum posts
Knowing Nintendo, I think its possible to see a 3DS lite or 3DSi or equivalent as early as next year
I don't know about you guys, but this has been my least favourite season of Dexter so far, it doesn't help that last nights twist was ruined for me (that's the last time I read a review on IGN). I know there's still 3 episodes left, so maybe it will improve. If not, hopefully the writers can make up for it next year.
What I'd really like to see is Dexter dating again. That's what made the older seasons so exciting; Dexter having to hide his secret from Rita and the kids. Speaking of which, I'd like to see Astor and Cody return as well.
Also, does anyone else think they did the Bay Harbour Butcher thing too early into the show? I wouldn't mind if they found a way to bring that back and maybe re-open the case.
tl;dr: After reading my points, I basically want the old Dexter back.
I am enjoying Season 6 so far even though the twist was so blatantly obvious since the start. We don't need Dexter dating again nor do we need to see any more of Astor and Cody seeing as Harrison is the only relevent child now. What I would really like to see is Deb finding out about Dexter which could maybe tie in with your point about the Bay Harbour Butcher case being re-opened. (which would be an awesome season :P)
The "big twist" was so very painfully obvious; I do hope that the writers intended for it to be obvious or either they are really dumb or assume that their viewers are really dumb :(xaosYeah that's how I felt, lets hope they have something good up their sleeves for the last few episodes of the season
As much as I am loving the season so far, I was wondering am I alone in thinking this was going to happen since very early in the season[spoiler] I am talking about Geller being dead the entire time, I just knew they was going to do it and feel they could have gone a different direction with it [/spoiler] I wanted to hear your thoughts :P
With a hangover I usually go to the cafe and get a full english (Bacon, Sausage, Egg, Hash Brown, Chips, Beans, Toast) It does wonders :D
I don't watch many animes but if you are looking for good shows which will keep you busy any of these should do: LOST, 24, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Fringe, Prison Break. I could go on but i'm tired and cant be bothered to think much more :P
Pop tarts are not very popular in England so I havn't triedthem before, I don't even think I have ever seen them being sold in a shop :P
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