I agree with you totally. I have zero interest in buying a PS4. I don't even bother going to the Sony pages on NO WEBSITE. I'm a Xbox guy, period. Looking forward to Nov 22nd.
Well, I live in the USA. I'm a big fan of Forza. I have all four games in my collection as I'm typing this. I don't mind spending $80 on the Limited Collectors Edition. I already got it reserved.
I second that buddy. Xbox One for me, no doubt. I have zero interest in the PS4. All 3rd party games will look the same on either. I'm not interested in exclusives at all. Based off overall features, capabilities, & what's in the box. Xbox One wins & that's why it's the next-generation console I'm buying.
Microsoft just stated that there will be enough Xbox One consoles besides the pre-orders available at launch. I don't know about the PS4 since I have zero interest in owning one.
The Day One edition has "Day One Edtion" on the controller for starters. Plus you get a special achievement. That's it. Games that are Day One copies have extra achievements & exclusive content to download.
Well, I AM SO SICK OF CRAP OF DUTY! If battlefield has any chance, this is the year to do it. I probably won't buy either, since I'm growing tired of FPS. I AM EXCITED FOR FORZA 4! I will be racing in October, not playing same old FPS.
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