Im also reading a lot of ppl ,oaning about the combat, its the same as every other mmo out there and tbh ive setup my abilities now which make killing zombies extremely satisfying.
I love this game and it deserves a solid 8. 8.5 if pvp was better. Funcom has done an amazing job designing and making this game, i think because EA is part of it, it was probably rushed towards the end therefore not all the bugs were ironed out which was the same with SWTOR. My favourite MMO since WOW.
The one thing thats really annoying me when playing this game is general chat. GW2 this, GW2 that. So annoying lol. TSW is a serverly underestimated MMO like AOC was too. Few bugs and people flame it. I was in gw2 beta and tbh this is far more interesting. Pls folks just stfu abour GW2 lol.
Wow is a great game. If you want a very accesable, easy to get into game then wow is definately worth a try for those new to the genra. Its GUI is simple, uncomplicated and just perfect now. So many little updates have just thinkened the layer of polish this game now has. The graphics are simple but they work so well somehow. PVP, Raiding in this game is a lot of fun, there is so much to do in this game it can be quite overwhelming which all of this somehow lacks in just about every other mmo ive tried. My BIGGEST and probably only GRIPE with wow is its community. Its probably the worst ive ever known in an mmo so beware of that. Most players you come across in general are very arrogant and unhelpfull so you really need to join a nice casual guild for lvling up your first character, or you will probably ged fed up with the game pretty early on. Also limit the time you play or this game, it will very quickly take over your life if you dont lol. Im a huge fan of Bioware games but RIFT i think is gonna be the next biggie for me, but will definately try Star WarsTOR. Wow with lightsabers, its gotta be done :-)
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