Hey all, yep i'm back and I bet you're glad I am :P :lol: Sorry I wasn't on last week, my laptop was kind of not working lol. So continuing on from the last blog, camping was actually mildly fun and I guess I would do it again the best part of the holiday was definitely all the hot girls that were either working there or staying there for a while :P I was going to take pictures of stuff that I was doing but I forgot :oops:, I did however manage to remember to get one or two pictures from the dam and fish ladder thats there:
This is a view Loch Faskally from the Dam
The view downstream of the River Tummel from the Dam
And finally a picture of the Demon Barber himself and his shop :P and in case any of you are doubting the authenticity (wow theres the big word for the day :P) of this, then heres the website. Thats pretty much it all as far as the camping goes so on to last week:
I managed to get these 3 books:
I've read all 3 of them and just love them and I'm looking to get the last 3 from Waterstones sometime soon since they have a 3 for 2 deal on at the moment, I also went to see the movie on Saturday which quickly became one of my favourite films ever and to those who think that the game is following the movie more than the books, its not and I haven't even read all the books :P
Last but not least is the gaming update with one piece of news here, which is that I pre-ordered Metroid: Other M and it looks to be shaping up to be one hell of a game and hopefully is.
Well thats all for this week, I think and if not I suppose I'll put it in another blog :P :lol: So until next time, catch you later.
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