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no_handlebars Blog

I'm calling this now (Heroes related)

I have the feeling that Hiro Nakamura will become a villain. It's just a hunch, but I think a lot of his actions in Monday's premiere were quite odd (Maybe he's just being written poorly?) Especially his hesitation to answer Daphne when she asked if the formula was worth losing his friend, Ando.

P.S. Elle really needs to kick Mama Petrelli's arse.

Let's talk Halo

In my computer class at school we play Halo:CE LAN matches on the computer everytime we get a break. Nothing beats killing my teacher via flamethrower or shooting down my friend's Banshee. I really wasn;t a big fan of the Halo series when I played it over my friend's house online but I'm now growing to love it. I think it's so fun because I'm playing with a group of people that I know instead of a bunch of random people online. I just might end up buying a 360 now........

I saw Shoot 'Em Up for the first time today

and it was AWESOME! I came in expecting action, not a plot or character development, and it didn't dissapoint. My favorite scene had to be the loft shoot-out. It was one hell of an action-packed thrill ride! I recommend action junkies pick this up now!
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