no_handlebars' forum posts
I haz Phantasy Star Portablez! Don't play it alot though.I'll play on GGPO a bunch of fighters (SSF2T, MVC, X-Men vs SF, SFA2, SFA3 and 3rd Strike) and that's as far as I'll go unless someone here has Phantasy Star Portable.
No more shooter competitions please......for at least a couple of weeks.
When I think of music I think of this
I dare you too find something that conveys even half of the emotion in the second song.
I knew I heard Lupe Fiasco in this thread somewhere.
I've played the game a couple times before. Its pretty. I wish I can get more into it, but I'm stuck on that one level where you have to face the tank. If someone can help me, that would be great.blizzvalve
I take it you're talking about Prince Maximillian's Tank?
You take it on after you leave that temple-room place.
First of all, you should beef up your lancers big-time for this mission. Hell, do a little bit of grinding and beef up all of your classes, but give you're Lancers the most attention for this bout.
Valkyria Chronicles Love?
Did someone page me?
I love Valkyria Chronicles!!!
I'm ashamed of all of you lacking a Trey. I need someone to play Uncharted 2 multi-player with this winter. :P
[QUOTE="shadowfox55"]Cross Edge get a good score? Come on, dream on. It doesn't have Final Fantasy in the name and is way too complex. But it has teh breasts!!!!! :Pthe ads are in the demos. also yeah ownage 9.0. next is cross edge then the world.:lol:.
Yeah that's about what I figured but wanted to see results of the poll. It does fluctuate but it seems the Sony fans have been en mass here for quite a while now. M$ fans used to dominate here around Halo 3 time. Wonder what happened to them all? MGS4 was a huge blow to the Lem camp. FFXIII was somewhat of a comeback for them but they never fully recovered. Then Resistance 2 and LittleBigPlanet getting AAA were two more blows. The flopping of Halo Wars and Killzone getting AAA didn't help either. The cows have just been on fire lately.[QUOTE="pyromaniac223"]Cow city right nowBigboi500
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