What size do you think Solstheim will be compared to the orignal Skyrim map? i am thinking maybe about 40 percent the size of Skyrim.
noize_suppress' forum posts
Have been gaming for around 20 years, And Dark Souls is the absolute best game i have ever played. Spent over 70 hours on Dark Souls and have not spent that many hours on a game in years.
Have been gaming for around 20 years, And Dark Souls is the absolute best game i have ever played. Spent over 70 hours on Dark Souls and have not spent that many hours on a game in years.
Assassins Creed also, Only played Brotherhood a few weeks ago and just coudnt get into it. Will think about picking up the third one for christmas but theres to many good games coming out to gaurantee a purchase. Never played Dead Space series either.
Powerblade NES Sector 1 tune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb9QZCzb-QM
Powerblade NES Sector 2 tune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpQ0pqnGMic&feature=relmfu
Not played Powerblade in 18 years but still remember these tunes clear as day.
Deus Ex PC Main menu music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yUvMuple5I
Deus Ex PC Hong kong music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHQZNNajxOk&feature=related
Deus Ex PC Unatco music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_wsxDFRbEk&feature=related
The Deus Ex music is nice and gritty and sets the tone for the game.
Just realised that JC denton looks like the guy in powerblade lol.
Will pick up Dishonored and Doom3 BFG edition, Theres also Borderlands2 that ill purchase before the years out.
SplinterCell Double Agent - Thought this was the best in the series, But hardcore SplinterCell fans will disagree as they see this the beginning of the series getting dumbed down.
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