Dont get me wrong,i LOVE videogames,allways have and allways will!
Im not annoyed at the amount or type of quality games coming out as the technology now is incredible compared to the PS2/XBOX era and those gameswere great anyway!
Im more concerned with the way theyre introducing games to the market in this "digital" era.
It annoying how so many great games are announced to be "download" only. Examples are Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica HD. The original Crysis is due to be release next month but only on xbla/psn. And the new Infamous 2:Festival of Blood will be only available to download.
Im not sure about you guys but i like to collect games,i like them on my shelf with the artwork etc on a disc that i know will last years after xbox live or psn has closed down!!
This is just a way for tight devs (which ive supported since the spectrum days) to ensure they make maximum profit as they can charge what they like for each game if they have no competition from retail game shops whether its specialist or from a supermarket etc.
Im also getting sick of these "pre order" bonuses or collectors editions! I love getting the collectors editions but noone can argue that they get expensive.
Id rather they gave just physical collectible items and soundtracks with them and let all the gamers who buy the game experience the extra levels,costumes and in game extras. Not everyone can afford to get the special editions then they miss out on ingame content. Admittedly most of it is available to download soon after anyway and the quality of extra content can be pretty rubbish at times but still!
The online pass system has been causing alot of debate lately but personally i dont mind it,the way i see it is that online adds tonnes of extra hours onto a game so why not buy it new anyway and youll still get your moneys worth? Even if you wait for a price drop.
Also DLC can be really cool but its SO annoying how i buy a new game and 1 or 2 weeks later theres an extra campaign to buy online. No one can tell me that the campaign was made in 2 weeks!!! It was obviously produced along side the game and the devs then expect fans to cough up extra to complete the story and experience. Why should we if weve bought the game to support them?
In the days of the Megadrive and Snes you bought a game and that was it,end of! The industry still thrived back then without ripping the fans off. But then i guess games worked out alot mor expensive back then but do you see my point?
What do the rest of you guys think?
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