So Dragon's Dogma takes a page out of God of War's book and lets you slaughter your way across the full menagerie of mythical creatures. :p Torture that the release date is four Fridays away though. :(
Been a while since I last played a WW2 game. This looks pretty good, and I really enjoyed Black back on PS2- which Mr Black worked on, appropiatly enough. :p
Unfortunatly for this game, any interest that I had in it has been pretty much obliterated by the RE6 announcement. And also, I was under the impression that Government Spec Ops soldiers were at least smart enough not to stand out in the open when facing armed opponents- either their training budget's been dramatically slashed or they're 'very' special forces.
Neat little article. Having played through the demo a few times, the main thing that impresses me is the huge amount of lore you can find, even from just speaking with the various people and listening to the stories on the lore stones- it really gives the impression of a fully-realised fantasy world you can lose yourself in.
Having played through the demo a few times, I really liked the finesse style of using the twin daggers and the bow, as well as the might-focused longsword and other weapons, so perhaps a might/finesse build for myself? Though the sorcery-based skills are good as much choice!
-and the sound design across the series has always been top notch. Just hearing all of those random, creeping noises somewhere in the distance was worse than actually facing the monsters. An overactive imagination really plays havoc on your nerves.
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