This will teach publishers of AAA games not to make easy games. They tought gamers that games should be easy. If games were difficult, this deranged gamer would choose a military school for his playing area instead...
If this trend continues, the next deranged gamer will select a nursery school as his/her playground. This is all EA's fault.
@ghstbstr Yea. unfortunatelly, idiots like you exist, are plentiful and ruin the industry for the rest of us. The give you shit, and I mean actual shit and tell it's a game and you eat it ans ask for more.
@slipknotmaggot1 Good deals? Like what? Pink clip-on earrings for FemShep? The price is always the same or higher than on release day. The only meaningful difference is that you support bad business practices. Publishers learned a long time ago, that they can release broken games and still sell milions. Beacues sheeple pre-order.
Hopefully, this will teach you to STOP PRE-ORDERING shit. You are only ruining your favourite entertainment by supporting business practices like this. I've never pre-ordered a game in my life and as a result I was never really disappointed. Remember, never pre-order!!!
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