@Morphine_OD @GAMERALL Sony was incredibly arrogant at the PS3's launch, in many ways they were a lot like Microsoft is right now. They were more interested in the "other" things their console could do, (Sony was more interested in Blu-ray at that time) and they all but abandoned games. Plus their console was selling for $100 more than the Xbox. Their attitude was that their fans would just suck it up.
It took almost three years for the PS3 to regain its focus.
Honestly it was Sony's attitude that made me an xbox customer this gen
It's not just about third world countries, I live in America and I don't have a "robust internet connection." For those of us who don't live in dense urban cities, we have one internet service provider and because of a lack of competition there's no desire to improve service or quality. I'm stuck with Time Warner and my sketchy connection
I'm getting sick of people using the Constitution as an excuse for doing anything they want.
The Constitution protects you from the government, it doesn't protect you from other people or other businesses. So while you can't go to jail for ripping off their stuff, they can still sue you.
I've returned since the expansion was launched, I'm having a blast so far. I don't know if I'll still feel the same way once I reach the level cap; but I'll cross that bridge when I get there
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