There's no excuse for piracy ever, piracy is theft. You wouldn't walk into a store, eat a candy bar and then tell the cop "I just wanted to try it and see if I liked it, If I do I'll buy it!" Life doesn't work that way and in reality how many people pirate a game and buy it later even if they do like it? If you're being honest you might be the only one to do that.
I agree that DRM isn't the answer, as it typically punishes the legit buyers rather than the pirates, but sadly some developers are being pushed in that direction.
I think the ultimate scapegoat for the industry is the used games market. All I hear from developers is whining about how they can't charge twice for the same disc. I say too bad on that.
There's no greater rip-off in all of gaming than the subscription fee. For that same $180 a year you can get 3 full AAA games instead of tiny little content patches
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