I'm wondering if these issues are from people putting it in rest mode while games are still open?? Be good to know if it's just a rest mode thing or if there are other factors.
For real?! I had it in my cart and ready to checkout before 12:00:30, and when I went to complete, the product was no longer in stock. WTF?! Sold out in less than 30 seconds??!?!?
@hairdie I might be a stupid American, but does math involving pounds differ from all other math? 170+120+50 = 340. Which is still probably cheaper than a Titanfall Xbox One bundle in your part of the world, but when you say "do the math" perhaps you should check your own.
@warbdaniel Although the majority of my time in BF3 is in the MP, I still go back and play the campaign frequently because it's fabulous. On PC it is a technical marvel. After reading The Russian, I wanted more campaign DLC, but we'll never get that because all of the money is in the MP...which I still love btw.
The book will be about characters in the single player and will provide backstory to those who care to dig a little deeper into it. I am in the minority when I say that I loved the campaign in BF3 and really enjoyed the companion novel The Russian. I think it's pretty awesome that there will be something more to look forward to after completing the BF4 campaign. And then I will play the sh*t out of the mulitplayer.
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