I'm not saying this game is good, but man wtf is going on with these reviewers anymore? It's almost as if a game has to be 2D with 8-bit graphic aesthetic to get them going. I'm becoming more and more disgusted with these jaded video game journalists who shoot down anything that resembles another game of the genre. How much more innovation can there be guys? I mean really...it's pretty much all been done before, including the 8-bit 2D side-scroller. I don't care one bit about Inversion, and maybe it isn't that great of a game, but listening to this guy and his "blah-blah-blah" attitude is obnoxious and it has become way too common. Maybe we should all start slapping review scores on these reviewers who obviously look at Metacritic or Gamerankings before they write their "own" review. This same game with "Gears of War" or "Call of Duty" in its title probably would have landed at least an 8.0.
I've already mentioned that I am a fan of games in general. I understand that sales are what keep developers making games. Lower sales means a ton of bad things for developers and gamers alike. I want to see devs like Danger Close do well and make more games. Maybe you don't, but that's my angle.
Obviously, you are now just arguing for the sake of arguing.
@Gelugon_baat Well, like I said before...the harm is in the potential detriment to sales of the game - turning readers off to the game because of one journalist's opinion of realism in modern military shooters.
Tom has every right to speak his mind. My point here is that I think he used poor judgement and may have potentially hurt the sales of the game. It could be any game, I just don't agree with his angle.
I don't think that using the developer's name or the game's title helped to give his point any validity.
@Gelugon_baat Of course I would. See, now you're just trying to make me out to be some ranting MoH fanboy. He didn't need to state specific titles. He could have made his point all the same about realism in shooters without saying Warfighter. I don't agree with his tact.
If he absolutely needed to use specific titles to make his point, why not go back to 2010's MoH? Why throw a game that hasn't even released under the bus?
@Gelugon_baat Really, what I am trying to point out is that Tom took a clear shot at a specific game and a specific developer. Seems so that he could have made his point without going that route. That's all.
I'm a fan of games in general and developers being successful so that we all have great games to play.
I got the impression that Tom cast a negative light on Warfighter and Danger Close, only to make some convoluted point about how games aren't realistic enough. This might turn certain readers off to this game, simply from reading the editorial...that is shameful and sickening in my opinion.
Tom McShea took "authentic" to mean "realistic" and ran with it. The way he kind of threw up on Warfighter is also shameful and sickening. You are a VIDEO GAME JOURNALIST!!!!!! You write about GAMES, not war. Comprimises have to be made to sell games, which is the bottom line. Sacrificing extreme realism for the sake of gameplay is one of those comprimises. I totally respect what Danger Close and other developers are doing to make war-themed games both authentic and entertaining. It may be time for Tom to look elsewhere for inspiration.
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