@cjlebron @numbes @Couchweasel @vackillers a single 7950 should out perform a 660 ti quite considerably more so at above 1080 resolutions wasn't disagreeing with you that the titan is overkill just the other guys over egging the 660 ti especially as this game is amd optimised
@Couchweasel @vackillers @cjlebron 2560x1600 the resolution is what you are missing 660 ti wont max it at playable fps at that resolution 1080 p maybe i have gtx 570 at 1080 its pretty choppy at standard clocks still get quite allot of fps drops with a large overclock
@MAD_AI @numbes @Kazuma_Kiryu your looking at it like an act of legal law making amendments to plug loop holes or something which it isn't it was a prediction for future development which has changed and i would predict that it will change again once reviewed again this was "amended" in 2010 before the true nature of the global recession was known it still hasn't realy bit. your point about the consoles stagnating till the next generation is good though im also hoping things wont take a huge leap forward soon as i just dropped allot of money on a 3570k z77 system after i got burnt buying a e6600 8800gtx 680i as my last system just before the q6600 was launched
@MAD_AI @numbes @Kazuma_Kiryu This trend has continued for more than half a century. Sources in 2005 expected it to continue until at least 2015 or 2020.[note 1][12] However, the 2010 update to the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors has growth slowing at the end of 2013,[13] after which time transistor counts and densities are to double only every three years. wikipedia moore's law
@MAD_AI @Kazuma_Kiryu i'll re-post my reply to your moore's law earlyer its slowed down ie not a law any more cpus are now doubling every 3 years not 18months
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