This is like trying to put a child into the bathtub. They resist all they can, and get their legs wet, until finally giving in and submerging. BW knows SWTOR is going to go free-to-play eventually, they just want to drag it out and deny it as long as possible. I just got another "Please come back for a free week" email for their latest patch, 1.3. Sorry, but that patch doesn't have ANY content in it and should not have been trumpeted as a major release.
I could see Time Warner if they really wanted to make games and get into the industry quickly. Microsoft seems a long shot given Blizzard is solely PC currently and Activision is multi-platform, and Microsoft hasn't had an emphasis on PC for some time. I wouldn't rule out a Chinese company, there are a lot of companies there with cash to blow and this would be a great way to get a foothold in the games industry. As much as I hate what Blizzard and Activision have become over the past few years, I'd hate to see them become foreign owned.
I found that nothing held my attention in the game after a few weeks, and didn't justify $15/mo. If they could fix some of the problems with PVP and add something to do outside of combat grinding (racing, card games, what have you), I'd consider coming back. Standing around on the main ship because nothing seems interesting to do isn't worth my time. Oh, and fix that space "game".
If they gave me something to do outside of combat (pvp, instances) other than staring at each other on the ship, I'd think about coming back. But I just don't seem them going in the right direction for my tastes.
nurse_tsunami's comments