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Quake Wars Beta

Played the beta for a little while and it was pretty fun, it's much more focused than bf which is both good and bad. Lot faster than BF too. Not sure about the vehicle physics, seem very odd. Lots of servers up and the netcode seems pretty good. Runs fairly well on my older machine at mid settings which I was pleased with. Need to play a bit more to get a better feel for it though. It was free for fileplanet members today and will be again tommorow, the keys went in 2 hrs today though so be quick.

Any of you guys checked out the beta, what did you think?


zombie master

I've been playing the HL2 mod Zombie Master for a few weeks now and it's easily one of the best mp mods I've played. Obviously it's in beta so it crashes and it can run slow and animations are strange and a whole manner of other problems but despite these things the game is awesome fun.

If you don't know much about it, I'll tell you. Basically one randomly assigned player gets to control zombies like an RTS game. His job is to stop the survivors (the rest) from completing objectives. These range from collecting car parts, turning on generators, opening doors, holding off zombie hordes for periods and working together. It's heaps of fun both as a ZM and as a survivor.

Kane and Vampires

kane vants to suck ur blood

No it's not an expansion pack for c&c3 (yet). I recently got c&c 3 and have finished the GDI campaign and have done a few missions in Nod. I must say that Kane gives me tingles when he speaks (he's so dreamy 8)) and he is probably the best actor so far and is just how he was in the other games. The missions have been nicely varied, the AI on normal is a good challenge in the campaign. I got stuck on the croatia mission though which was tough with constant attacks, on easy it was no easier :shock:

So what about the Vampires? Well I just got done playing through Vampire Bloodlines again thanks to friend indzman this time with 1.2 and 3.5 patches. The game was still buggy but much less than the first time I played it. The game also started getting really good after the part where I stopped playing last time (end of downtown). It turned out to be a really fun game and I re-rated it thanks to the community patches I think it's worth checking out again if like me you didn't get through it all.


Impressed with Oblivion

I got oblivion recently because my friend indzman recommended it. I enjoyed it much more than morrowind, mainly because of the fast travel feature which lets me focus on the fighting. I installed a few mods which improved gameplay and also improved the graphics in certain areas. Here's a video of me killing npcs in Chorrol :D


Finished Stalker again

sarcophagus in stalker

And it was better the second time through. If you didn't get in the secret door using the decoder then you are missing out on a large part of the game, both story and gameplay. After you fight your way through the secret lab you can choose two endings that you can't get from the wish granter. One of these choices lets you fight outside and around the sarcophagus which is very cool, once completed it's said to give you the "real" ending.

You can check out my review of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. here

Stalker is awesome

stalker box art

I got stalker on Wednesday and have been playing a fair bit of it. The game reminds me of Deus Ex mixed with some morrowind. They made a really atmospheric world and some of the underground levels are quite scary. I've not yet got to Chernobyl itself but it won't be too long before I do. You could easily spend 30+ hours just doing side quests or killing pratically anybody you see.

The highlight for me was when I accidently angered the Duty faction and had a huge firefight in one of their outposts, neutral Stalkers in the zone were getting gunned down left and right in the crossfire. Ended up getting a nice rifle off one of the expert stalkers. :)

I'm alive!

Two weeks without internet makes nutcrackr go crazy :?

But I'm back. I did pick up the delightful Supreme Commander and it did help me pass the time. Completed the single player campaign and most of the missions took me 2 hours to complete so it was excellent way to pass the time. Hope you guys have had a good time :)

Playing Generals

I've been playing generals skirmish matches lately, usually 2v2 with hard armies on both sides. Hard armies seem fairly easy to dispatch as I can just out resource them and bunker in for a bit at the start. Brutal armies are really hard to defeat because they get superweapons up quick and use resources well.

Mostly play the China side since I like the overlord tank although GLA can be fun to play with the angry mob and the anthrax :lol:. Been a while since my last blog update sorry guys.

BF2142 Brigadier General!

Yay! Only took me 192 hours but I finally unlocked all items in the game that can be unlocked. Still need to get lots of awards and ribbons though. Maybe I can get one of the special ranks too :)

Also looking forward to the new booster pack, Northern Strike. It should be out sometime in March and will let me unlock a few more items. The hover vehicle looks like a lot of fun from the teaser trailer.

Crysis CES footage

How amazing is that CES footage of Crysis? I'm not just talking from a techical perspective either. Just about everybody agrees the game looks amazing! In terms of gameplay though I really appreciate the different approaches to situations.

In Far Cry it was fun to locate a base from a distant location with binoculars and take it down how ever you wanted to. Maybe you snipe a few guys then use a mounted machine gun to finish them off. Maybe you head for a vehicle and run them over, maybe you creep around from behind and silently take them out one by one.

With Crysis it looks to be even more advanced with the Strength, Speed, Cloaking presets. I guess it's a little bit like Deus Ex in some ways. I'm really impressed with what I've seen so far.