@grillingcoatsThe world has been ending for a while. People just haven't noticed or cared.
Take a look at the marketplace for CS:GO, weapons are selling for hundreds of dollars. But it's ok, because it's all superficial! Nevermind that the prices are high because they have been limited (it's a digital item, the limits are artificial). People resisted DLC for a while, but they have relented when it comes to overpriced superficial content because "it's optional bro"
Now, we live in an age where high-priced superficial DLC is ok, because reasons.
Remember back in 2006, back when horse armor was released for Oblivion? What a strange coincidence, that was overpriced and superficial. It was utterly destroyed by press and gamers. How the world has changed.
The floodgates are open, but I can sell you a disfunctional boat for $9.99 (it comes in red, black and transparent)
@balrogbane Warning, Disappointment Ville is overpopulated, please head down highway 17, past the town of Delayed (population 2015), and drive directly off the cliff. Thank you for your attention.
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