Dark Souls on PC was a test for them. They didn't know how well it would sell or the reception it would get. They were obviously pleasantly surprised with sales enough to put the sequel on PC at the same time as consoles. I'm glad I bought the PC version because this is pretty much the ideal response.
After a bit more thought, and reading what the Rhianna Pratchett said, I've come to the conclusion that the writer and game directors had different ideas about what they wanted. The writer basically said that everybody knows Lara and has their own opinions / memories of her, she didn't want to change that. The game director basically wanted people to forget everything about Lara. Neither was achieved in the end.
Also I know the author of this featured blog, I'm famous by proxy again!
When I get things out of the fridge, I close it afterwards. Does that make me qualified enough to be a Closer on a new BioShock game? You know where to find me Mr Levine.
Know what? Only that the long night is over. The crown of government is tarnished, but that will fade in time. The riots, a fever dream; the plague, a horrible nightmare; and like everything else that's happened such things will only be dimly remembered upon waking to their normal lives. In the end, all sins are forgiven. Even yours.
Unfortunately I did not enjoy this as much as Kevin. One thing I strongly disagree with is the "no less intriguing to explore" than Rapture. For me, the exploration and atmospheric component is at a completely different level. Aside from the excellent introduction I felt little reason to explore and rarely felt like I was in a real place. Part of this is probably because the game is more linear, maybe it's also because of the directional shift of the narrative at the midpoint. It might be because you barely need to prepare for battle or that the civilians never felt like characters. Elizabeth is good, but she has some quirks. I much prefer Alyx from HL2: Ep1 and she feels much more grounded in game world.
@fredyellowone commander mode, soldier customisation, team autobalance, battle recorder, better squad / team management, jet balance among other things
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