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nutty_natz19 Blog

All the reindeer used to laugh and call him names...

Heya everyone
There's no real point to this blog, I just thought I'd spread some early festive joy...

D'ya like it?
Anyway, my friend sent me this Christmas Survey

Christmas Eve or Boxing Day?
Boxing Day

Santa or Rudolph?

Real tree or fake tree?
Fake Tree

Stockings or Presents?

Giving presents or receiving presents?
Receiving all the way!

Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Wrapping Paper - way more fun to open

Expensive presents or heartfelt presents?

Decorating the tree or putting lights outside?
Decorating the tree cuz we don't have outside lights

Angel or Star?

Snowball fight or building a snowman?
Snowball fight...woohoo

Love snow or hate snow?
LOVE snow

Warm fire or sleigh ride?
Sleigh ride

Mince Pies or Christmas Pudding?
Mince Pies

Naughty or nice?
Nice, of course...

And now some for you guys
Favourite Christmas song?

Favourite Christmas film?

Name all of Santa's reindeer...

I know it's really Christmasy really early, but I got in the Festive Spirit!!!
Hope you all enjoyed reading this, and if you did leave me a lil comment :P

4 Days left at college!!!
7 Days til I'm 18!!!
13 Days til Christmas!!!
20 Days til 2008!!!

I can't go out *cough cough* I'm sick

I haven't left the house in three days because I've been ill and I'm going a bit crazy :?
On the bright side, I've been catching up with all the TV I've missed recently (thank God for Sky+) and I'm loving Prison Break and can't believe I have to wait till the new year before there's a new episode! Noooo!

And in the magazine that I was reading, Milo Ventimiglia was torso of the week. It cheered me up loads lol :D

What cheered you guys up over the past week?

7 Days Left Of College!!!!
11 Days Until I'm 18!!!!
17 Days Until Christmas!!!!
23 Days Until New Years!!!!

Tongue Twister

Heya everyone! :)
How are you all?
I'm fine, thanks for asking :P lol. Anyway, here's the coolest tongue twister that my friend told me earlier in Sociology and that I spent about five minutes saying it over and over. Try saying it quickly and see if you can, it kept me amused for ages. :D

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,
and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

My TV show of the week this week is Ugly Betty (mostly because Heroes, Prison Break and Lostaren't on TV at the moment over here in the UK) andalsobecause it's so freaking funny, and I love Amanda and Marc, they make me laugh the most. Looking forward to Bones starting tomorrow. Woohoo!

What about you guys? What's your TV show of the week?
Please leave me a comment, they're like food to me :D
Thanks guys *big hugs*

Happy Friday!

Hi everyone!
Happy Friday to you all *sends everybody reading this big hugs*

I had my first driving lesson today :? It was soo scary, my hands were shaking and I stalled the engine twice. Oops. And then we went to this large, empty car park, and I nearly reversed into a parked lorry. Double oops. Not much else to report on my side really, so I thought I'd find out some things about you guys :)

1. What song are you listening to right now? (If you're listening to anything)
I'm listening to Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's.

2. What was the last TV show you watched?
I just finished watching episode 3 of Prison Break (I live in the UK) and I want to know what was in the box!!! I'm trying to wait until next week and not go spoiler hunting.

3. What are you most scared of? (I thought that as Halloween is coming up...)
For me, it's definitely spiders! They're horrible!

4. What's your favourite TV show and favourite character?
Mine's Heroes and I love Peter!

5. And finally...what was the last thing that made you laugh?
When I was walking to the bus stop with my friend and she was texting her boyfriend and she walked right into a lampost! It was pretty funny, but maybe you had to be there.

I'd love to hear your guys answers! :D Don't make me beg :)

I am soooo bored.

Seriously. I'm really bored. I have a five hour gap between classes at college and nothing to here I am :P Anyhoo, how is everyone? Been doing anything fun? I went to check out University's yesterday with some friends but ended up spending most of the day shopping instead because we spent an hour trying to find it but only ended up walking in a circle :evil:

We ended up having to get a taxi to a building that was just five minutes away from where we started. Grr. My sense of direction is so bad, seriously, I used to get confused doing orienteering on the school field.:shock:

Oh, and I've totally figured out what calendar I'm getting for next year (even though it's a looong way off still) I was at work yesterday (I work at a card shop. Snore) and I found a Heroes calendar! Woohoo :D I'm gonna have Peter and Nathan on my wall for two months *nearly drools*

International Talk Like A Pirate day!

Ahoy me heartys!!! September 19th be International Talk Like A Pirate day. How cool is this. At college today people were dressed up like pirates and we had to do a treasure hunt for hidden treasure (I don't care that we're all 17)! So spread the word and talk like a pirate or you'll be made to walk the plank. :D Have fun with it!

Withdrawal Symptoms

I haven't seen Rachel McAdams in a new film for ages!! Where is she? She's one of my favourite actresses and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms right now. I just keep watching switching between Mean Girls and The Notebook. If you haven't seen The Notebook yet, shame on you. Watch it!
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