They should also do it for NA. Europe gets all the good shit.
Aye I agree
Normally I hate Mario/Mario Kart games but Mario Kart 8 looks pretty interesting after I watched a video of "8 reasons why Mario Kart will be amazing" over at IGN.
Still I think that PC pretty much ruled 90s gaming with games like Wing Commander , Half Life , System Shock etc .
Man, gaming was just kick ass all around in the 90s. Bad ass games everywhere, on consoles, on PC, in the arcade. And each platform differentiated itself so well.
I couldn't even say PC was better than consoles then or vice versa, if you ignored either option you were missing out on some great stuff.
Wut is this logic, how dare someone enjoy PC and Console gaming.
@ConanTheStoner: Not really, remember when Sony "redid" the PS1 controller. It's never too late to change a controller, specially if it can help sell the system and make devs want to develop on that system.
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