nweezot92's forum posts
last time i checked
22days:5hours:23minutes:12 secounds or was it 11 :S
isnt DDR2 memory
but that will work but will have flows because of the power ,i used to have that pc with a 7600gt and because of the power cable i would notice alot of random stalls or shuuters in graphics, so maybe getting a 600watt Ish power supply and if you want to play games get atleast 1 gb or 1.5gb ram:S
thanks alot guys
i wish there was like a feedback thing on here so i can feedback you :)
thanks for the help
i think ill buy these speakers to use the Y adapter with iknow its cheap but it does the job, can i just make sure it works
it says it has aux input so if you could say if it works and if it doesnt name some ceap speakers that you know works
thanks alot
ive had a 360 for about one year and a half now but never realy played it ,got a ps3 back in september and been playing it for ages but i have decicided to stop due to poor servers and go back to 360 and im going to buy the vga cable for monitors hopefully but im not sure if my speakeers will work with the cable ,yes i no there cheap but they are caleld creative sbs250 (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Creative-SoundBlaster-SBS-250-multimedia/dp/B000075AMK)
if they dont can you recomend me on some cheap ones
Thanks ALot
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