Games don't kill people, people do. Anyway. They are more violent now , than they've ever been before. Outside of horror and supernatural games. However if the gaming industry is going to get hammered, then the music and movie industry deserve the same treatment and same scrutiny. They are just as violent. If not more so. Lyrics of hip hop , are just as extreme. "I'll shoot you with my gat or AK" all that stuff is just as violent, in music.
@Matt_Hunter: and GPUs aren't good enough for 4K yet. Games look completely fine, on high res, just under 4K. I'd recommend waiting a few years for next generation or 2 and wait for high end GPUs truly capable of 4K with high Fps. Low FPS is not fun, period.
Moral of the story....DON'T BOTHER with 4K gaming, get an awesome , beautiful ultrawide moniter with HDR10 or something , might have to settle with black borders for older games and be content, till next generation and maybe the generation even after that of GPU's, capable of high FPS, in 4K.
@rekonym: no reason for me to play it. If its online is the actual meat of the game, while Single player takes a back seat. GTA 5, still has a meaty single player, that you can have a ton of fun in. If they ever dampen that down and whittle single player away. There will literally be no reason for me to buy it.
With the amount of money they are making on GTA 5, I expect Red Dead, to be on PC and GTA 6 , to be the most detailed city ever created. With graphics so mind blowing, they make me go WOW, more than Crysis did in 2006. Havent been WOW'd by graphics since Crysis 1 on PC.
This is because people are buying Multiple versions isn't it?
With all this nutty money going on this franchise. I expect a PC version of Red Dead 2 and GTA 6 to have the best graphics , best story, best universe. Bring back the RPG elements of GTA San Andraes. When you eat. You get fat. That was fun. Having to burn the fat off. With this kind of profit. The next GTA should be literally mind blowing.
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