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o0kami Blog

Found this on the inet...

yeah i haven't had a blog in a while...but i got no time...so today i somehow managed to take some time lol. anyway found this on the inet probably a month ago...don't know if it's even older than that but its awesome and i had to put it in my blog :P  it's just sooo true lol

UpDate........and windows just s**ks :P

hm actually nothing new happened but i still thought to write something....as a sign that i'm still alive^^ actually planned on making another sig...but still can't really find the time for that coz school is just too much stress...but i also have to find the time wo watch anime^^ so i got myself nfs carbon and finnished it in like 3 days or something and was kinda disappointed...liked most wanted way better although the drift thing was pretty coll once u knew how to do it. conserning my last blog post where i had to reinstall windows and stuff....well this stupid OS is pissing me of again...iexplorer process is working in background and when i'm actually trying to use it (for certain sites its better) then it just can't connect....DAMN i hate windows one of the worst programms ever sooooo many bug...unbelievable....looking forward to linux during college kinda different with the command window and stuff but it doesn't hove so much crap programmed in it that it just creates bugs all the time...arg freakin windows...also thought to just get windows vista now instead of just reinstalling xp but vista takes a lot of memory and cpu usage....friend of mine had it on his comp for a while and wasn't really satisfied with it

AHHH Finally back online!!!!

alright...i'm back online after i came back from vacation halft a week ago i noticed that my internet wasn't working an then i found out that while i was gone, my parents had that wonderful idea of using my computer instead of theirs and even breakin it...after several attempts to get inet working i finally gave up and decided to pull my last option...reinstall windows...(i know its not a big deal and u susually have to do it at least every half a year but i still have a lot of progs installed and it would be a pain in the ass to reinstall all the progs)....so now i reinstalled windows and inet is working....yay....BUT everything else isn't :((...pretty much none of my prog (which i had expected) but when i tried to install my VGA (graphic card) driver everything broke down and i had to do alls the windows reinstall again...... well now i'm running on some crappy set up windows with no VGA driver...but at least some of my important progs for anime leeching are working well as i said i'm back online but i still not gonna be on that often because of that missing VGA driver i can't really scroll that fast on sites and thats really annoying...so i'll see when i have time to set things straight

New Sig

well since i'm now an officer of the straw hat pirates i though i need a new sig:
doesn't look too good i know, but i just started experimenting with sigs 2 days ago. and the sig i had before that was made in like 10sec (color reverse and put my name on it...lol). but the sigs i'm making now are done in an hour or so...stil need some time to get the right things working^^. so i've made like 4 sigs in these 2 days and i still have a problem: how do i get my name like shining...but an animated shining...like a beam of light which shines at my name from side to side....anyways if anyone is reading this (i hope so..) and knows how to do those things plz pm or comment this blog. cya o0kami

My Job - 1 week to go!

well, now working for two weeks for siemens was quite relaxing...never had thought that.
actually exepted it to be tough...but i'm just sitting here all the time in front of the comp, programming stuff or filling out some excel sheets.
and the job is also the reason why i'm more active on GS now.
well...so lets hope the next week stays about the same and then i'm off on vacation.

My first Blog Post!!!!

well...this is my first blog post. never kinda hab the time and feeling writing one but now summerbreak in germany finally started and a have time. so actually nozhig spacial has happened but now i also have more time for playing games and watching anime ^_^ . hm...i think thats about it for my first blog...hope i have some thing to write soon. well thx for reading ....lol bye actually made that post just to make my profile look like it is more...still need a banner though ...
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