You can not upgrade Guns, Only give yourself "Perks". Action points seen in the demo buy things like more damage and resistance and Item Drop Increases. And Infinite Ammo when you beat the Game. I am Sort of Dissapointed as each character can only get certain Guns and If you miss it you have to play the whole chapter over (No check points)
Also Beat One campaign Level and you unlock Mercenaries, I believe It showed one Chinese level and then two other???? levels meaning there might be only three maps.
I hate the Subtraction Of Shops. Jakes Campaign: Melee Extremley easy and Much More Powerful Than Sherry's Stun Rod Fun interactive Features like Riding on the Back of a Snow Mobile Repetitive enemies causes you to just blitz past them Boring Story causes you to lose track and tend to be Distracted
Further Study Realizes that the Action Points Is used For Skills Like Faster Reloading and More Precision and Maybe Infinite Ammo. And they take up skill slots (you have 3)
Its not as fun as I thought It would Be. Each Mission Is Grueling and I dont even Know If i have finished the First Mission. Im waiting for the 2nd So others can get it. If you need Info Feel Free to ask
So the Game came in for me Surprisingly 4 days early even though I ordered it from the Capcom store and I had Realized One thing.. The Lack of Item Shops. Now I do not Know If I had finished my Campaign Mission But all I realized is that It might have to do with the Action Points Of the Game. Turns out action points are for Perks like Quicker shooting or more damage. Anyway, You sort of get guns as you go along And It feels as if though they completely removed the Shopping System.. Any Comments?
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