i just noticed i got modded for posting a fat girl pic over a year ago.neviid mod u to i dont like fat girls
Metallica...after playing ONE on GH3 really got me into them... yes it sounds very noobish but im glad this happened...i have entered the greatest state of my life... i have listened to Unforgiven I and II seen the vid for ONE and Fade to Blacki know see the world how it is.. and not how it is not...if i ever have music playing at my funeral dub thee Unforgivenhobbit93try enter the sandman by far my favorite metallica song or nothing else matters
I got modded for agreeing with somebody that MGS had one of the best story lines in a video.......I have yet to return to system wars since.But seriously. I was like WTF!dreamdudeLOL that blows
I got modded for posting "Read the thread, genius"True story.VanHelsingBoA64i got modded when i tried to talk to gamespot i wasnt all that sobber
I got modded for saying ":|......" in this guys topic that was nothing more than spamkinda pissed me off because I lost 30% for that.Kikoukenoh lol i lost 70% for calling a review "gay"
posting the lol wut pear in a "suicide thread" I didn't know a fad thread was a suicide thread, but whatever. I only cried for like 4 hours, after that I was over itskullkrusher13lol thats **** funny
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