definitely the year of the pc. I think theres more hit mac games this year than there there were windows games in 2009. Thats kinda a sign that pc gaming is thriving well.
I didn't grow up with pong, it was the NES and when visiting my grandmas she pulled out my dads plug and play pong..complete with dials. Now this was in no way nostalgic for me at all but the feelings I got definitely gave me goosebumps. I had more fun playing with those dials than most of the crap that comes out today, not only because it was the beginning of something special in my family but because it was different, simple and only meant to be fun. Just PURE fun. The old pong set was, if I am right, a christmas present and it wasn't cheap at the time. I wish all you guys a merry christmas..or whatever. Happy gaming. (:
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