@Gencic @oldtobie My rule of thumb is as soon as the other guy's argument is pure ad hominem, I win. I had a good talk. Glad to know I've stomped on your points.
@Gencic @oldtobie Provide proof that some Hondas retail higher than some BMWs? Really? And I'm the one who has no knowledge of cars? Knowledge of cars isn't even required to understand or create this idea, but nice try at debunking me.
Anyway, it was a simple analogy, but because the premise seems to have sailed over your head, this is what I meant:
BMWs, when compared to Hondas, could be described as high quality, luxury, expensive cars. Hondas are therefore the cheaper, yet lower quality cars.
This same common idea is known about PCs and consoles. PCs allow for higher visuals, framerates, modularity, etc. They also usually cost more. You confirmed this yourself.
Defending myself from an insulting stereotype isn't being pissy, also a stereotype by the way. I like 90% of PC gamers have a 1080p screen and run games at 1080p. Having hardware that can properly run and not squander other hardware is good. And since console gamers can't even do that, there is a quality to be criticized.
You can't assert that the price of PC gaming is unreasonable when you make up statistics, base those statistics off of unrealistic characteristics of PC gaming, and even further, make comparisons from the price of 4K gaming to that of gaming at 1080p or lower on consoles.
It's like saying, "Driving a BMW is a waste of money but driving a Honda is good because it's cheaper," ignoring the fact that some Hondas can be more expensive or as expensive as a BMW.
If two things are compared based on price but ignoring that one will provide a better result, it's not a valid comparison. This is even more true when some gaming PCs can save a gamer money over buying a console.
Save your stereotypes. Save your insults. Grow up, and take a hard look at the facts that are presented.
@Gencic @dave70292 Okay so... it would actually be like $2,000, plus why the 4K thing? Like that's the comparison point? No consoles are running anything in 4K. A PC that can run the game at 1080p 60fps would cost less than the cost of a non-gaming PC and a console, and then you'd be getting more than what you get with a console.
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