Eh, I'm more of a default male Nord named Prisoner kind of roleplayer. I've never understood the fascination with putting oneself in the game. Then again, I'm not really into RP games in the first place, so that might be why.
Don't get me wrong, I like immersion and decision making in games, I like to craft my own story and all that, but the character I play as, I just don't see as important.
Yeah, no. I haven't opened my case in years for any reason other than cleaning. I spent less than the cost of a normal PC plus a console. I have access to far more games at far cheaper, and yes, better performance and graphics. I don't worry about maxing games out. Almost all PC gamers don't. Most are content with a decent rig that lasts them a long time.
@Andyf1ghter It's been out for how long now? Be patient, for Christ's sake. Wahh, can't play my video games 10 minutes after a massive launch. People are starving in Africa and you're complaining that the extremely overloaded servers can't satisfy your every whim instantly at the press of a button.
@diggyphelps @Horndawgie I agree wholeheartedly with Horndawgie. I was pretty much exclusive to my PS3 a few years ago, and currently only play new games on PC. TLoU doesn't really have much other than a good, pretty narrative to hold it together. The gameplay is incredibly clunky, trading playability for smooth cinematics. They go so over-the-top with some of it that it's just tacky.
I love Naughty Dog, adored the Uncharted games (although they share some negatives of TLoU too), and found TLoU to be a decent and worthwhile experience. However I feel that it doesn't deserve nearly as much praise as it got. No need to get pissy and accuse others of stuff, and no need to assert your own opinion as the right opinion. That's why it's an opinion. Now quit being an ass please.
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