oldwiseman13 Blog
tv.com the wiki for the internet
by oldwiseman13 on Comments
is nothing sacrid
by oldwiseman13 on Comments
tv pres blind, deaf, and dumb
by oldwiseman13 on Comments
i have cable and over 1400 chanals and all the ondemand and there is n " who lives on a pineapple under the sea "
and the dumb cristmas speshals blocking up good tv its dumber then a box of rocks
whats the point
by oldwiseman13 on Comments
it comes evry year
by oldwiseman13 on Comments
it comes evry year the cristmas speshals the santa clacs is coming to town and others but where are the other speshals for the other faths
even the jc pennies camershal has " her comes santa claws" as the reped line
sick as a dog
by oldwiseman13 on Comments
to interupted showes
by oldwiseman13 on Comments
it is a big problem where there are two many interuptions in seres
you watch your favorit show and it says " will return in two weeks and two weeks later it is a repet and a month later it still isne back and it isent even consistena it is like this 4weeks then 1 then 1 then 6 then 9 then 3 then 2 then 1 then 1 then1 then 6
its madining
does any one get a show any more
by oldwiseman13 on Comments
i can beleve it i am at home sick and i cant watch any programs because evryone under the sun has there own talk show as if opra was enuf we had to give one to... tony dansa, elin degenarus, montel, tyra banks, keth ablo , dr. phil , maruy , springer , now some do some good showes telling people about important issues but ofent times not look at springer if i wanted to see some one dance on a poll i would go to a gentalmans club, mary if i wanted to see the violence i could watch wwe and other cases they are nort a talk show but a shatoqua tent( in the erly 1900s a tent where politacal canadince would campain)
plese tell me what has tony dansa or tyra banks they would quolify them to have a talk show tony was a bace ball player and actor and trya banks is a super modle how does that quolify them it is nolonger quolity is is popularity and that sickins me
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