Would be costly to do this, imagine backwards compatibility for PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4. Sony would want to make big profit and BC isn't the way forward.
*Googles Injustice 2*... Oh wow, it looks amazing. Might consider this over Tekken 7. Thinking of getting Tekken 7 when it becomes cheaper as I don't think I will play it regularly in contrast to PES 2017.
@killered3: Persona 5 is probably one of the longest JRPGs you'll ever experience. I felt FF6-FF9 were considerably long games to finish.
*Goes Howlongtobeat.com*... Wow! FFXV only takes 27hrs to beat in contrary to it's predecessors which in average takes 40+ hours to beat. Absolutely shocking Square-Enix, a game in 10 years of development and you put an incomplete storyline on a single disc... pathetic!
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