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omegamustard Blog

Zelda 2

I just pulled my NES out and i bought Zelda II on the NES. This game is unique among the Zelda games. It is was Mario Bros. was missing. I like this game. You can't beat it for 2 bucks.

oh well

There isn't nothing to do. It rained heavily, so I can't play any basketball. I'm about to go play my NES. See if I can get it to work. Gonna play Super Mario Bros. 3 or Metal Gear. Can't beat the calssics.


I pulled my NES out of the closet. To my surprise it still works like new. Played RBI Baseball and the original Zelda and Mario games. Well i don't have much to say. They really need to make all those games onto the Gamecube. Nintendo would make a killing. They shouldn't have sold RARE to Microsoft. I need to get a X-Box to play that new Conker game.


I have stopped wrestling to spend more time with my girlfriend. I have been suspended from school for the remainder of the semester for defending my girlfriend so as of now all i do during the week is play video games. I hang with my girlfriend on the weekends. oh well that's life.