I mean...I get it. People like call of duty. But when a game is the same year after year after year, why in the shit is it getting the same scores year after year? Batman was the same shit again, assassins creed has been the same shit forever, and don't get me started on nhl series. These games need to stop getting good reviews. You'd swear the reviewers never played any of the previous ones and jump into the hype of it and calling it a good game(news flash gamespot subscribers, 8/10 isn't a negative score)
Are you people stupid? The controller doesn't measure YOUR health, they mean the character in the video game. Obviously color coded to what the health would be(i.e green being full health and Red being close to dead)...
@fluffy_puppy666 @Incubus420 LOL still playing on a splitscreen on a 40" Tv would still be like playing on two 20" monitors, which I doubt your friends laptop would have. So your point is irrelevant
Not sure what it was, but after playing dead space 1, which i thought was great, when starting DS2 I just seemed to have enough of it, never went back to it, though with the co-op mode this does look interesting.
MAYBE if pakistan wasn't a "terrorist hotbed" then they wouldn't be portrayed that way. No one just pointed the finger at your country and said "That's where we'll base all of our terrorist stereotypes" it's not a stereotype if its true.
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