Why (mostly) all the hate for Doom 3? I remember playing it when it came out in 2004, and I enjoyed it. Yeah, yeah, it wasn't heavy on the story side, but there was nothing inherently wrong with the game either. Maybe with today's mindset, we see that it was a bit shallow, but back in 2004, it was a fun ride. I have zero interested replaying it though, the original or the BFG edition, but still, it's a classic as far as I care.
Of all the games I've played over the years, this is one of those titles that I actually remember enjoying! Funny because right when I bought it, I didn't even bother finishing the tutorial part, but then quite some time later I gave it another go and I got hooked. It's a game that's easily misunderstood - but once you get on board with it, it's a ride you won't regret taking!
It's a performance hog and it's only good looking (and acting) under certain conditions, but most of the time it's just unrealistic. I'm not pushing the nvidia fanboy button here, but honestly PhysX could (and does) do this with much greater realism. The hair with TressFX doesn't move realistically (usually ignores wind direction), can start to bounce without any reason, and always remains clean and dry - I thought this "new" tech would bring some realism to hair, but really it just made a new level of unrealistic hair. And the invisible shield around the shoulder/upper back/chest is actually comical. Still, it's promising.
@jrtoken With all due respect I'm not even sure why you would contradict yourself to this extent. You state that the game does look "incredibly" dated, to play it mute, not a great or even good game - and yet you don't think it deserves a 4.5?! I would have given this game a 3 just by taking into account your list there... You should never support any work that's all about lame mediocrity, if that's what you're OK with then that's all you're ever going to get from these corporate profit driven thieves!
I haven't played the game, and to be honest I didn't even read this review, but right off the bat I think a 4.5 is very generous seeing all the other scores out there.
@billlabowski @aphex79 Why would you flag his comment(s)? Shouldn't you rather thank him for signing up on here? Granted, it's not the best comment of the year, that's for sure, but maybe you could have pointed out what (if any) rules he was breaking instead of that ambiguous comment. And this "troll" nonsense is so 2008 - get over it. He wrote a comment in a comment section - yeah, that's such a "troll". Welcome aphex79, hopefully billabowski won't keep you from contributing to our community, but next time be a little more thorough with your comments!
@GamerOuTLaWz @fullxtent Agreed! I have played Skyrim almost to the point of being addicted, but honestly it's only "good" because of its formulaic use of nearly all RPG elements - otherwise I can't stop feeling that it's dry and abstract. Hard to explain...
@haze_blaze "Carolyn Petit has been reading GameSpot since 2000 and writing for it since 2008. She has a particular fondness for games of the 1980s, and intends to leave the field of games journalism as soon as she hears that her local Ghostbusters franchise is hiring.". And the fact that you feel the need to say that you're not trying to be funny indicates that you were being ignorant.
I have replayed Mission 1 about six times already (minimum, lost track) because honestly at the end I always either have 1 (usually 2) kills, or bodies have been detected - but I simply cannot understand how this can be possible. I haven't killed anyone at all, and I keep hiding the bodies. No, none of the bodies fell in water, or died in an explosion, but somehow there are kills. I never get the Ghost challenge even though not once did any guard get more more than 1 detection warning - and in some instances I never had any of them detect me. How is finding the bodies that I keep hiding where all the guards are being knocked out by me. Are there "invisible" guards who keep spawning in areas I already cleared - but even so, the bodies I hide in shadowy/secluded spots. Could it be a bug, or is there something going on that I should be aware of?
@fog90 You go a little too far, but on the whole, I can respect your enthusiasm! I have long ago given up on trusting reviews. Diablo 3 got an 8.5....enough said. I do tend to look at scores but just as a matter of passing time, honestly, if you like the game, great - nobody should have the last word on what is good and what isn't. There are many, many examples of games that the players have overwhelmingly disapproved of but critics praise it to no end.
omnimodis78's comments