hey it's another opinion from someone who thinks that he/she knows better than everyone else. necessity is the mother of invention, so if the industry needs to be inventive it will be, if people still keep buying CoD every year... then we can all see that no new invention needed
it wasn't any more buggy than the rest of Skyrim for me, the review was a little harsh but if it bugged out like that for me i would be lest happy with it
let's hope 2K buys THQ and then it would be 2KTHQ, but really Volition and Virgil better survive if THQ goes belly up. Saint's Row and Darksiders must live on!
Some will claim it's a George Lucas move fixing something that was not broken but i played Doom 3 on the Xbox and i adjusted my TV so i rarely need that bleeping flashlight, plus the scares were better in the originals
hey if you don't like it go play Duchess Nukem no wait that would be bad, very very bad, equal opportunity is one thing but context of content is that video games are not reality and if you treat women like Duke does chances are your never getting any even though nature programed ever man on earth to think that way
oneligas' comments