I'm gonna go out on the limb here and assume that you mean can you play multiplayer without an internet connection. If I assume correctly then the answer is yes, other then split screen you can use a crossover cable to connect to PS3's together that way.. but if I assume wrong.. then you need to come find me at Fry's and we need to have a little chat..
Yeah, you can get a 8800GTX for that, but then you need a nice computer go with it or it's not gonna do very well. PS3 has a very nice processor and sense it's just used for gaming (not tons of stuff running in the background) then it can out perform computers under the 1500 mark. (US dollars)
My first message here directly from my PS3. I was avoiding the browser for a week now(sense I bought my PS3) because I remember people telling me how horrible it was, but can't say it's too bad, not for a console atleast.. lol.
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